Tori Wilkerson (@toriswilkerson) 's Twitter Profile
Tori Wilkerson


Video producer for Chesterfield County Public Schools. #ccpsmedia Always excited to capture the amazing things #oneCCPS teachers are doing in their classrooms!

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Tori Wilkerson (@toriswilkerson) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Is there a personable and gregarious #oneCCPS staff member that is "Someone You Should Know"? Tell us all about them here and we might highlight them in our "Someone You Should Know" series!

Chesterfield Schools (@ccpsinfo) 's Twitter Profile Photo

It's time for us to get serious about our teacher retention efforts! We hired approximately 500 new-to-#oneCCPS teachers this year. We continue to lose outstanding educators to surrounding school divisions and more lucrative professions. #TeacherPayCrisis

It's time for us to get serious about our teacher retention efforts! We hired approximately 500 new-to-#oneCCPS teachers this year. We continue to lose outstanding educators to surrounding school divisions and more lucrative professions. #TeacherPayCrisis
Tori Wilkerson (@toriswilkerson) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Hey #oneccps friends! Do you have something exciting going on in your school or classroom that would make for an awesome spotlight? Let us know! We love covering the amazing things CCPS teachers are doing. Submit your story here:

Chesterfield Schools (@ccpsinfo) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The FY 2021 operating budget is being approved tonight, but the budget approval process doesn't end here. Watch this video for an overview of the process and continue to stay engaged in the discussion. #supportCCPS #PublicSchoolsProud #SpeakUp4CCPS

The FY 2021 operating budget is being approved tonight, but the budget approval process doesn't end here. Watch this video for an overview of the process and continue to stay engaged in the discussion. #supportCCPS #PublicSchoolsProud #SpeakUp4CCPS
Chesterfield Schools (@ccpsinfo) 's Twitter Profile Photo

COVID-19 has created a rapidly evolving environment where changes are being made quickly in the interest of public health. As a result, #oneCCPS will be closed to students on Friday, March 13. (To read the full article, click the attached link.)…

COVID-19 has created a rapidly evolving environment where changes are being made quickly in the interest of public health. As a result, #oneCCPS will be closed to students on Friday, March 13. 
(To read the full article, click the attached link.)…
Chesterfield Schools (@ccpsinfo) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We are closing schools due to public health concerns. Effective Saturday, March 14, through at least Friday, March 27, Chesterfield County Public Schools will be closed. Read this entire #oneCCPS update here:…

We are closing schools due to public health concerns. Effective Saturday, March 14, through at least Friday, March 27, Chesterfield County Public Schools will be closed. 

Read this entire #oneCCPS update here:…
Tori Wilkerson (@toriswilkerson) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Already seeing so many cool ways #oneccps teachers are going to make the next two weeks some of the most innovative distance learning the world has ever seen. Blair Cooke and I can’t wait to highlight it!

Va Dept of Health (@vdhgov) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Help stop the spread of #COVID19. Make sure to: ➡️ Wash your hands ➡️ Telework, if possible ➡️ Practice social distancing Get reliable COVID-19 info from Va Dept of Health and Virginia Department of Emergency Management For case statistics with a map by locality, visit:

Help stop the spread of #COVID19. Make sure to:

➡️ Wash your hands
➡️ Telework, if possible
➡️ Practice social distancing

Get reliable COVID-19 info from <a href="/VDHgov/">Va Dept of Health</a> and <a href="/VDEM/">Virginia Department of Emergency Management</a> 
For case statistics with a map by locality, visit:
Chesterfield Schools (@ccpsinfo) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Class of 2020, we are thinking about you every day. Dr. Daugherty, principals and the superintendent's senior leadership team are having ongoing conversations about prom and graduation. Watch this video for more information. #oneCCPS #CCPSstrong

Chesterfield Schools (@ccpsinfo) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Chesterfield families, we need your help! Teacher Appreciation Week will be here before we know it, and we want to show our teachers some love. Send us your #ThankATeacher videos! Videos due 11:59 p.m. on Friday, May 1, 2020. Submit your video here:…

Chesterfield families, we need your help! Teacher Appreciation Week will be here before we know it, and we want to show our teachers some love. Send us your #ThankATeacher videos! Videos due 11:59 p.m. on Friday, May 1, 2020. 

Submit your video here:…
Tori Wilkerson (@toriswilkerson) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Hey #oneCCPS! Got an exciting event coming up at your school or something cool happening in your classroom? Submit it here:… We are always looking for new and fun things to cover happening in CCPS!

Tori Wilkerson (@toriswilkerson) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Hey #oneCCPS! Got an exciting event coming up at your school or something cool happening in your classroom for Pi Day on March 14th? Submit it here:…

Tori Wilkerson (@toriswilkerson) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Hey #oneCCPS! Got an exciting event coming up at your school or something cool happening in your classroom for Pi Day on March 14th? Submit it here:…

Tori Wilkerson (@toriswilkerson) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Hey #oneCCPS! Got an exciting event coming up at your school or something cool happening in your classroom for Pi Day on March 14th? Submit it here:…

Tori Wilkerson (@toriswilkerson) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Hey #oneCCPS! Got an exciting event coming up at your school or something cool happening in your classroom? Submit it here:… We are always looking for new and fun things to cover happening in CCPS!