Tobias Mahler
Professor, Norwegian Research Center for Computers and Law, UiO
ID: 320111663 19-06-2011 09:50:31
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Thanks for organizing this great seminar, Dr Roger A. Søraa! Looking forward to future collaborations with NTNU.
We had an amazing time at #DIGIKULT with Dr Roger A. Søraa Francien Dechesne Tobias Mahler Sofia Moratti #weneedmorethis
eLaw Center for Law and Digital Technologies is hosting a seminar with leading international scholars with interdisciplinary backgrounds addressing how humans interact with #robots and #AI-driven #technologies on November 28, 2019, 13-18h, Leiden Law School Full program at…
For those interested in intermediary liability and the #DigitalServicesAct: delighted to announce that Tobias Mahler, Håkon Styri 🌻🇺🇦 and I are working on a mini study on non-hosting intermediaries for European Commission ⬇️
Honored to discuss #Robot #Impact #Assessments with Tobias Mahler at the Webinar on Challenges and Emerging Patterns of #Robot #Regulation coorganized by NRCCL//SERI and eLaw Center for Law and Digital Technologies. More info here:…
Important contribution from Eduard Fosch-Villaronga et al.
Happy to follow the interesting conference "Regulating AI – The Commission’s proposal of an Artificial Intelligence Act: Legal Assessments" today, organised by Institut für Recht und Digitalisierung Trier. With Paul Nemitz Benjamin Raue DFKI mireillemoret Frank Pasquale
Upcoming webinar: US Perspectives on the European Commission’s proposed AI Regulation with Margot Kaminski and Dennis Hirsch…
Here comes the summer reading! Impressive new book on #Law and #Artificial #Intelligence: Regulating #AI and Applying AI in #Legal Practice. Congratulations and a big thanks to Eduard Fosch-Villaronga and #BartCuster for putting this together!
🚨 ACADEMIC JOB(S) ALERT! eLaw Leiden Uni Leiden Law School Leiden University is hiring 1 Postdoc & 2 PhDs to work on my European Research Council (ERC) project #SAFEandSOUND. More info about the project in this link:…. About the positions in this thread 👇
🚨POSTDOC JOB ALERT! eLaw Leiden Uni at Leiden Law School Leiden University is looking for a #postdoctoral researcher for the European Research Council (ERC) StG #SafeandSound project. Wanna work with Eduard Fosch-Villaronga & an amazing team on #science for #robot #policy? Check it out!…