Toby Young
Director of FSU (FreeSpeechUnion.org) Editor-in-Chief of Daily Sceptic (DailySceptic.org) Co-owner of Based Media (basedmedia.org)
ID: 18809812
http://www.basedmedia.org 09-01-2009 18:31:18
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The Free Speech Union is bringing a legal challenge against the Government because we think Bridget Phillipson's torpedoing of the Freedom of Speech Act was unlawful. Such challenges are expensive, so any help with our legal costs would be hugely appreciated. crowdjustice.com/case/help-rescā¦

Great to see such eminent minds oppose ā¦Bridget Phillipsonā© attack on the capacity for beleaguered academics to defend their academic freedom. A shameful repeal to keep VCās bonuses and the šØš³ CCP happy. Will have many more repercussions. Sad. thetimes.com/article/a44c40ā¦

My latest @Spectator column is about spending last weekend in Salcombe: "As I passed prosperous-looking gentlemen standing outside their homes, uncoupling their boats from 4x4s, I felt a spurt of class envy. I began to understand why people vote Labour." spectator.co.uk/article/help-iā¦