Tiina Jortikka
Ambassador for #HumanRights, HoD🇫🇮 to #IHRA, #NordicWomenMediators Network @ulkoministerio Opinions my own.
ID: 4110738779
04-11-2015 08:38:32
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Finland 🇫🇮 is happy to endorse Global Guidelines for Countering #Antisemitism published today in Buenos Aires. Hate and threats against one group threaten all other groups. state.gov/global-guideli… Ambassador Deborah Lipstadt

Finland continues to actively promote #HumanRights in the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva. A lot of good progress was made in the #HRC55 and the work will continue in the next session. #UNHRC MFA Finland 🇫🇮 Finland in Geneva 🇫🇮 🇺🇳 #FIinHRC

At the historic United Nations Human Rights Council intersessional meeting this week, Indigenous Peoples and States came together to discuss concrete ways on how to enhance the participation of Indigenous Peoples in the work of the Human Rights Council 🇫🇮 support for this process remains steadfast #FIinHRC

Thank you Minna Pietarinen and Peppi Stünkel 🇫🇮 at I Was Born A Girl for promoting #HumanRights and #GenderEquality in such a wonderful and inspirational way highlighting the empowering and healing potential of #art. #IwasBornaGirl

This is a truly unique exhibition, I warmly recommend you to visit I Was Born A Girl at #HRC57 United Nations Geneva UN Women Geneva Finland in Geneva 🇫🇮 🇺🇳 #FIinHRC

Supporting #RuleOfLaw is an essential part of Finland’s support to #Ukraine. Happy to be in #Kiev with Rule of Law Centre. MFA Finland 🇫🇮 #StandWithUkraine

Impressed by the insightful views of Ukrainian #civilsociety activists Olga Aivazovska Oleksandra Matviichuk Tetiana Pechonchyk and others in #Kyiv today. It is clear that they play a very important role in promotion of #democracy, the #ruleoflaw and #humanrights in #Ukraine🇺🇦.

Happy to meet again and this time in #Kyiv 🇺🇦Human Rights Commissioner Dmytro Lubinets and his team, and discuss critical issues of #ruleoflaw, #humanrights and #deportedchildren. Finland 🇫🇮continues to #StandWithUkraine. Rule of Law Centre MFA Finland 🇫🇮

Our Joint Statement on Human Rights in Iran, two years after the horrific death of #MahsaAmini Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs 🇳🇱

Once in a lifetime. Amazing sculpture & jewellery #designer Björn Weckström & wife generously showed us his multifaceted work in their home in Espoo sharing the stories that brought it to life.Visit was hosted by Tiina Jortikka Director of Iberoamerican Institute #Finland🧵1/4

Hieno Tuomo Mannisen näyttely Kaapelitehdas . Tuomo Manninen kuvia pääsee näkemään seuraavaksi myös Meksikossa ja Espanjassa. facebook.com/share/uKPqN3dv…

Francon kanssa? Parempi ilman. Mutta voiko #historia ’sta oppia? Jussi Pakkasvirta peilaa mielenkiintoisesti #Suomi - #Espanja suhteita kylmän sodan aikana. Ajankohtainen kirja autoritaarisuuden nostaessa päätä eri puolilla maailmaa.