Tianyuan Zhang
PhD students in MIT, working on vision. M.S. in CMU, B.S. in PKU
ID: 905014077126213632
http://tianyuanzhang.com 05-09-2017 10:25:45
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Diffusion Forcing Update: code & ckpt for 3D-UNet + Temporal Attention version is released thanks to my amazing undergrad mentee Kiwhan Song! See project github for more info. I also added suggested future directions to the our website boyuan.space/diffusion-forc…. Check them out!
PhysDreamer has been accepted by ECCV with *Oral* presentation🌹🎉. Check out Tianyuan Tianyuan Zhang 's wonderful introduction👇
Excited to announce that I will be joining the University of Cambridge Engineering Dept as an assistant professor in spring 2025! I will be looking for students for the next year. Check out Elliott / Shangzhe Wu's thread for details on how to apply, and get in touch!