Rachel Thrasher
legal research at global economic governance initiative @GDP_Center; trade and investment treaties and development policy; views my own; RTs not endorsements
ID: 111361921
https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=BM0JZj4AAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao 04-02-2010 17:14:09
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In a new blog, Rachel Thrasher debunks the myth that investor-state dispute settlements + the Energy Charter Treaty are essential for protecting renewable energy investors and achieving a low-carbon future. Here's 3️⃣ reasons why: gdpcenter.org/3NQDxTS
European Commission's recommendation for a coordinated #EU exit from the embattled #EnergyCharterTreaty is a "potential watershed moment", IISD' Nathalie Bernasconi, NIKIEMA H. Suzy & Lukas Schaugg write in a fresh must-read deep dive on the #ECT. bit.ly/3OnEN2k
As G20 Leaders meet in New Delhi, we make a case for facilitating access to technologies for green transition, taking cues from access to medicines under WTO’s TRIPS Agreement in Financial Express jointly with Rachel Thrasher & Warren Kaplan Institute for Studies in Industrial Development Boston University Global Development Policy Center
The G20 is now the G21! Exciting news as the African Union (AU) secures permanent #membership. Kudos to ASAP, Jeffery sachs, and others for championing this cause! 📷 Read the #policy brief here for more information: prepared-project.eu/g21/ #G21 #AfricaRising
Across the 🇺🇸US, 🇨🇳China, 🇮🇳India, 🇫🇷France, 🇩🇪Germany + 🇿🇦South Africa, what was the most common type of trade-related policy intervention used in response to COVID-19? A new Globalization and Health article IDs policy lessons for the global trade regime: gdpcenter.org/3PzeBCy
A new T20 Brasil policy brief ID's 🔑 challenges + shortcomings of IMF quota-based resources, funding + governance, with recommendations for balanced quota reform. Read more from William N. Kring, Haihong Gao, Rakesh Mohan + Marilou Uy: gdpcenter.org/45L0sId
"The climate crisis requires finding the optimal balance between rapid innovation and diffusion to protect the health and well-being of both individuals and the global community". This will require some policy experimentation. Nagesh Kumar, PhD Boston University Global Development Policy Center
Check out my conversation with my colleague Purvaja Modak Mathur about the Appellate Body crisis and what role G20 countries could play to resolve it. Boston University Global Development Policy Center Indo Pacific Circle
Drawing on a November 2022 workshop, a new policy brief from Rachel Thrasher + Yudong Liu IDs 3️⃣ 🔑 issues that must be addressed to put the global economy on course for achieving shared development + climate goals. Read more: gdpcenter.org/45W2SE4
Today, World Health Organization (WHO) member states are gathering to negotiate the text for a global pandemic agreement. Flexibilities around intellectual property protection must feature prominently in the agreed text, argues Boston University Global Development Policy Center’s Rachel Thrasher in this #opinion. devex.com/news/opinion-a…
Another country says good-bye to the outdated ECT. Unsurprisingly, the UK no longer wants to risk being sued for its climate action by fossil fuel firms. #NoECT Boston University Global Development Policy Center