Thomas McCarthy
6’0/170 || RHP || Newton North High School ‘24 Email : [email protected]
ID: 1475868396197720069
28-12-2021 16:37:13
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First start of the season. Got the W moving us to 2-1. 4IP, 2H, 5K, 0ER Newton North Baseball FLATGROUND Pitching Baseball_Uncommitted

Season Stats - .448 AVG-26AB-13Hits-11RBI-6R NEB Scott Patterson Mike Abraham Matt Kruger New England Top Prospects

Bullpen from today. FB sitting around 80 Off-speeds felt good Sequence: FB SL CB FB Baseball_Uncommitted Newton North Baseball FLATGROUND Pitching

Solo homerun from last nights win in the Best of the Best. I went 2-2 with a HR, 2B, and BB Prime Baseball @bigsteve0905 Baseball_Uncommitted

First bullpen of the offseason at Cressey. FB 88-90. DXSF_Baseball

Stats from Florida spring training with DXSF_Baseball. 2 IP 5ks 0H 0 BB. FB velo- 90-91

Brief outing from today. 1.1 IP, 4ks, 2 walks. FB up to 90 DXSF_Baseball