Parity716 Vote4DEMocracy
#VoteDEMocracy,#NationOverParty #ExpandSCOTUS
#NeverElectLiars #GreedRuinsEverything #ProChoice #VoteLikeYourLifeDependsOnIt #VoteOutRepublicans
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ID: 841435224793853953
13-03-2017 23:46:05
7,7K Tweet
4,4K Following
This is fantastic! MAGA does not want this reposted. Twitter, do your thing! Thanks for sending this to me jimpittsburgh 🇺🇸 🦅
Ever since this anti-Trump video went viral (now at 13 million views) my account has been censored and suppressed. I ask you to share my content with your followers and to make sure you're following me. Lots of people saying they found they unfollowed me but never did. FIGHT!!