The Tyets 🔆 Èpic Solete
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ID: 1220789264507658242 24-01-2020 19:23:44
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Després de conquerir Europa i omplir el Palau Sant Jordi, avui The Tyets 🔆 Èpic Solete passen per #ElsExperts3Cat per parlar del nou disc: balades inesperades, però la festa? Intacta!…
Avui Fa Fies a Galiza✈️ Festival Revenidas 🌟
kikilandia 33 summer might be ending but "fa dies" is forever
📽 We can't wait for The Tyets 🔆 Èpic Solete to perform in Stockholm! The Delegation Catalan Gov. Nordic Countries & Baltic States Les Quatre Barres Catalan association are co-organising the concert! 📅 October 11, 7 p.m 📍 Debaser Club, Hornstulls Strand 4, Stockholm 🎟…