Head over to our Facebook page today to enter @beeshomes’ ‘12 Days of Christmas’ competition to win a meal for two and a bottle of wine here at The Ship Inn ⚓️🐝☺️ @ Eastbourne, East Sussex instagram.com/p/CIlEZPcBZxv/…
Yay! We have a winner! Head over to our Facebook page to find out the winner of our @beeshomes ‘12 Days of Christmas’ competition 🐝🎉⚓️ @ The Ship Inn instagram.com/p/CIoVO64hxYm/…
Join us for Roasts all day today, 12 to 8pm, call us on 01323 733815, still some tables left for this afternoon 🍽 @ Eastbourne, East Sussex instagram.com/p/CIvGOQiBuwG/…