The Sheffield Guide(@thesheffguide) 's Twitter Profileg
The Sheffield Guide


Discover the very best of the Steel City with The Sheffield Guide, presented by @DeeJayOne! #sheffield


link calendar_today01-07-2019 17:45:50

937 Tweets


627 Following

DeeJayOne(@deejayone) 's Twitter Profile Photo

News: As the proud new owner and custodian of Sheffield Forum, I am thrilled to oversee the evolution of this pivotal platform, which has stood at the heart of Sheffield's digital dialogue since its inception in 2002. 🧵

Sheffield Forum(@SheffieldForum) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Great news! The beautiful Wyming Brook Nature Reserve has reopened this weekend, following several months of works to remove diseased trees.

Find out more:…

(H/T to It's Looking A Bit Black Over Bill's Mother's and Sheffield & Rotherham Wildlife Trust)

Great news! The beautiful Wyming Brook Nature Reserve has reopened this weekend, following several months of works to remove diseased trees. Find out more:… (H/T to @BBoBillsMothers and @WildSheffield) #sheffield #wymingbrook #nature
Sheffield Forum(@SheffieldForum) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Yet another popular restaurant announces it’s closure.🙁

More bad news for 's hospitality industry.

(hat-tip to The Tribune)…

Sheffield & Rotherham Wildlife Trust(@WildSheffield) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Thanks to you we have reached our fundraising target of £1.2million to secure the purchase of Ughill Farm. Now we can test, learn and share techniques for a financially viable, nature-friendly farm! FCC Communities Foundation Veolia Environmental Trust
📸 Leo Ingvorsen

Thanks to you we have reached our fundraising target of £1.2million to secure the purchase of Ughill Farm. Now we can test, learn and share techniques for a financially viable, nature-friendly farm! #30by30 #ThankYou @FCC_Communities @veoliaenvtrust 📸 Leo Ingvorsen
Sheffield & Rotherham Wildlife Trust(@WildSheffield) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Flooding has been a hot topic across the area the last few days.

We've made our documentary short film 'TORRENT' available to watch for FREE on YouTube: see the history of flooding in Sheffield and what is being done to help mitigate it in the future.


Liz Ballard (Sheffield & Rotherham Wildlife Trust)(@LizBallard_SRWT) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Thank The Tribune
For science on whether burning peatlands is a good idea see here:…
Scientific concensus is that
'.. most effective.... solution for addressing wildfire risk on peatlands is to return the sites to ... functioning bog'
Sheffield & Rotherham Wildlife Trust

Sheffield & Rotherham Wildlife Trust(@WildSheffield) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We’ve been getting lots of contact about this today and share people’s concerns.

Alarming reports that in PM2.5 readings have jumped up to 89µg/m3 this afternoon — the average for that monitor at other times being 10.…

Olivia Blake MP Mark Avery

Sheffield & Rotherham Wildlife Trust(@WildSheffield) 's Twitter Profile Photo

APPEAL: Answer the call of the Curlew and help us save Ughill Farm!

We need your help to raise £1.2million, to take ownership of Ughill Farm, begin plans to let nature & wildlife flourish and keep the Ughill curlews safe forever.

👉 Add your donation:

Sheffield & Rotherham Wildlife Trust(@WildSheffield) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We're gearing up to reveal the winning entrants to our photo competition - & therefore what will feature in our 2024 calendar!

We're also on the lookout for local independent retailers who may wish to stock the calendar - please tag where you would like to see it on sale below!

We're gearing up to reveal the winning entrants to our photo competition - & therefore what will feature in our 2024 calendar! We're also on the lookout for local independent retailers who may wish to stock the calendar - please tag where you would like to see it on sale below!
Sheffield & Rotherham Wildlife Trust(@WildSheffield) 's Twitter Profile Photo


Members! The latest issue of Kingfisher Magazine is making its way to you over the next week or so.

Find out more about what to find in Issue 112 for Summer 2023 here:…

K I N G F I S H E R M A G A Z I N E Members! The latest issue of Kingfisher Magazine is making its way to you over the next week or so. Find out more about what to find in Issue 112 for Summer 2023 here:…
Sheffield & Rotherham Wildlife Trust(@WildSheffield) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Thank you to Abbeydale Brewery for making us their charity of the year and crafting this special ale.

10p from every pint sold will be donated to Sheffield & Rotherham Wildlife Trust.

Fancy a swift half (or pint!)? More news on the launch of ‘Swifty Pale Ale’ soon!

Thank you to @AbbeydaleBeers for making us their charity of the year and crafting this special ale. 10p from every pint sold will be donated to Sheffield & Rotherham Wildlife Trust. Fancy a swift half (or pint!)? More news on the launch of ‘Swifty Pale Ale’ soon!
Sheffield & Rotherham Wildlife Trust(@WildSheffield) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Last week, members of the Sheffield Swift Network joined us at Abbeydale Brewery to help brew a new charity beer!

Symbolising the incredible journey of red-listed Swifts, the pale ale will feature UK hops and African Grains of Paradise.

Watch out for ‘Swifty Pale Ale’ on local bars soon!

Last week, members of the @SheffSwiftNet joined us at @AbbeydaleBeers to help brew a new charity beer! Symbolising the incredible journey of red-listed Swifts, the pale ale will feature UK hops and African Grains of Paradise. Watch out for ‘Swifty Pale Ale’ on local bars soon!
South Yorkshire Fire(@SYFR) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Crews have done an amazing job, they now have the fire under control and are currently tackling the last few hot spots.

Ringinglow Road has now been closed though to allow our crews access, so please avoid the area if possible.
