Themba Rajuili
Father_Prevention of Corrupt Practices Act _110 Lethaba Hof Junkers Street Vanderbijlpark 1911_Sabbatical_IE32176 +27769037261
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ID: 888751943174295552
https://www.facebook.com/themba.rajuili 22-07-2017 13:25:50
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The ceasefire and hostage release deal announced between Israel and Hamas is good news โ for the families of the hostages taken on October 7th, for the Palestinian civilians who have suffered for more than a year, and for everyone who has prayed for an end to this awful chapter.

Four years ago, in the middle of a pandemic, we needed a leader with the character to put politics aside and do what was right. Thatโs what Joe Biden did. ย At a time when our economy was reeling, he drove what would become the worldโs strongest recovery โ with 17 million new

Well done, Jeff Bezos, and the Blue Origin team!

๐ด "Sport in this country is NOT being run by white people...We are being sold out by our own people!!" ๐ด Sports, Arts and Culture Minister Gayton McKenzie venting his frustration about black administrators. Do you agree?? ๐ฝ Full Interview: youtube.com/live/2qXpurKatโฆ #MSWOn947

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It's Lunch timeโฆ Good afternoon and welcome to #POWERLunch with Pabi Moloi until 15:00. Get in touch with us throughout the show. โ๏ธ: 0861 987 000 ๐ฒ: 083 303 7093 ๐บ: DSTV Channel 889