The Geo Trip
A monthly plain language podcast, rooted in community building, that explores the unexpected ways in which geoscience underpins all our lives.
#STEM #Geoscience
ID: 1379591665812271112 07-04-2021 00:27:53
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Oh, oui! We are in the trenches of admin stuff, but we are so excited to accomplish all the tentative goals! BlackInGeoscience colleagues, we are also feeling the growing pains! 🤣😂
In preparation check out this throwback with National Association of Black Geoscientists current President Tramond Baisden…
Sinus, allergies, and other health-related things are trying to take us out! We missed National Association of Black Geoscientists but intend to catch up and share all the geoTea regarding Tech talks given with you! Up next, geosociety! Which we will be sharing info on shortly.
This year National Association of Black Geoscientists 43 conference was hosted at Georgia State University #NABG43 . The conference began last Wed 04th September and went through Sat 07th Sept. The conference typically falls the Wed after Labor day!