Dennis Morgan
lover of 80s movies and music. gamer. dad.
ID: 259879678
02-03-2011 19:49:55
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53 Following

Had so many arguments about this… RT Bill Barnes @[email protected] Refactoring: doing something differently over and over again and expecting the same results.

a new family tradition... Christopher img.ly/xwh8

Go #Seahawks! #WhosGonnaWin vz.to/1gjdi5E Verizon Wireless

Slow (very slow) clap. RT Seth Masket: Well played, Girl Scouts. Well played. pic.x.com/OhxkcxJ0eS

I just backed Table Titans Volume 1: First Encounters on Kickstarter kck.st/OhYVSn

makes it all too clear, but sad at the same time… RT Penny Arcade Feed Comic: A Recognized Phenomenon bit.ly/1EvfywC

Oh no, all that bacon! RT NBC Los Angeles: Amtrak train collides with big rig carrying 70,000 pounds of bacon in Illinois 4.nbcla.com/q3ksXnR