Disability Justice Project
A global grassroots media network centering the voices of persons with disabilities.
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https://linktr.ee/disabilityjusticeproject 31-01-2022 19:06:28
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For more about mask bans and how they will harm disabled, sick, & immunocompromised people check out my latest column for Teen Vogue: teenvogue.com/story/mask-ban… #NoNYMaskBan

Great work from Inevitable Foundation. Not sure where to find #disabled filmmakers and creatives? Email [email protected]. We're happy to connect you to our 1K+ members. #GreenlightDisability

This article is an important read. #AccessIsNotOptional. If you want to understand the importance of #accessibility and why it’s more than about time for these measures, read and then share this. Bravo Sara Luterman. #AccessIsLove. You want us in the room with you. It’s not charity

In May, DJP filmmaker Faaolo Utumapu-Utailesolo's film "Dramatic Waves of Change" was named a finalist in Focus on Ability Short Film Festival. Read more about Utumapu-Utailesol and her work as a human rights defender in the Pacific in our new article, "Global Recognition." bit.ly/474XEHv

The Disability Justice Project is working on a doco about climate change and its impact on people w/ disabilities. They're looking for filmmakers w/ disabilities from around the world to contribute, either chronicling your own story about how climate change has impacted them or someone else’s.1/2

Journalist Aman Misra Aman Misra talks to #ReframingDisability about mainstreaming non-ableist coverage of #Paralympics and #DisabilitySport: open.substack.com/pub/reframingd… #RepresentationMatters

🤩We were thrilled to interview Áine (they/them) for our ‘5 Questions’ series. Áine shared their thoughts on how stories from the margins are a powerful tool to make political shifts & more. Read and amplify! disabilityrightsfund.org/stories-from-t…

We’re proud to have collaborated with 350 dot org on this important video featuring Áine (they/them)!

Climate justice cannot be separated from disability justice. Áine (they/them) explains and shares ways we can ensure no-one gets left behind. Feat. footage from Disability Justice Project 📹 Find a descriptive transcript and more resources from Sins Invalid & Disability Debrief ⤵ 350.org/climate-justic…

We're excited to announce our new partnership with World Institute on Disability! DJP Executive Director Jody Santos has been training WID's inaugural cohort of fellows on filmmaking using iPhone kits with accessibility features. We can't wait to see the work they produce with their new skills!

Folks, I poured my heart and soul into founding the Disability Rights Fund . If you know people who can lead on, please make sure they apply! Remember: disability intersects with so many other identities and issues and brings innovations to human rights and justice that are remarkable.