The Cold Head
The Cold Head are a loose tribe of musicians led by Doug Stephens, writer, guitarist. Members of Furniture and Transglobal Underground are part of the tribe.
ID: 2474207820 02-05-2014 15:56:53
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While Israel is massacring Palestinians, @sierraclub is traveling to apartheid Israel for a "nature tour". Ben Jealous, there is no climate justice when you erase Indigenous peoples and support land theft. Your trips to Israel are shameful.…
.Christina Aguilera cancel your show in apartheid Tel Aviv. Don't cross the Palestinian picket line. #xtinadontgo DO NOT SUPPORT APArTHEID UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE or ethnic cleansing of Palestine....FREE PALESTINE
A new European law threatens our right to livable communities. For mining corporations who want to extract our Earth, no area would be off limits. But we can still stop this. Call on EU politicians to #StopBloodyMining and put people and the planet first:…
I just took action to call for peace with Labour for a Ceasefire Now Labour For A Ceasefire Now — will you join me?…
Thank you Ben & Jerry's for calling for a #CeasefireNow. By standing with Palestinians, you’re joining millions marching around the world. Now, other companies need to follow your lead.