Susi Earnshaw Theatre School is a truly unique school, specialising in the #PerformingArts. 12 pupils per class / Outstanding - Ofsted
ID: 2215971619 26-11-2013 16:09:22
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Just looking through some old photos of old school days .. Wow time flys!Some fantastic memories😊❤️ SusiEarnshaw
Our local shopping centre The Spires Barnet is looking fantastic!! What a big improvement. #Barnet
Just seen the brochure for the Summer Soulstice UK looks like it's going to be another fantastic and entertaining year!
Both ex SusiEarnshaw pupils Verity Chapman and @VasJMorgan are on Only Way is Essex Miss you both! #SETS #TOWIE
We're excited to announce that we're getting involved in Barnet Christmas Fayre, sponsored by SusiEarnshaw on 3 December. Come and find us and say hello!