The Absurd Report
A fan page Covering and discussing everything related to Dan Houser's company @AbsurdVentures | Ran by @altonmcla
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http://absurdventures.com 15-06-2023 21:33:20
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Here's my review of Absurd Ventures' "A Better Paradise." Enjoy! abetterparadisereview.blogspot.com/2024/09/a-bett…

Lazlow recently joined the Soder Podcast. A big thanks to Vsevolod Unavoidable for bringing the episode to my attention! youtube.com/watch?v=2JGmLs…

Hey everyone! Vsevolod Unavoidable, a fellow page follower, is creating a wiki for *A Better Paradise*, and I’ve been helping out. If you’re a fan of ABP and want to explore the lore, be sure to check it out—more content will be added soon! a-better-paradise.fandom.com/wiki/A_Better_…