The Minimum Wage
A Real Life Band!
ID: 1371919586300469252
https://open.spotify.com/track/4lXFLZzxktoInLjJ5fqABM?si=lshBjOM_QNWTzp00ih5r2A&dl_branch=1 16-03-2021 20:21:47
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It’s ALEXISONFIRE world…the rest of us are just living in it. Dine Alone Records #otherness #theonlybandever

Jay Tennant Daz Cadwallander Jack Gill The Minimum Wage Finding Bella The Lucettas The Rafters Plastic Cowboys The Fin The Mood Civic Green BROKE CASINO Jonny Ash @SanQuentinMusic @songsofcolumbia The Skinner Brothers The Shed Project (Band) #NewMusic #radio

#NowPlaying The Minimum Wage Afraid of Everyone From the Strait From the bands debut EP “Small Stakes” #newmusicfriday #newmusic2022 #radio open.spotify.com/album/5noiCxFQ…

Can’t believe our new EP has been ignored by Indie Artist Buzz . Maybe if we put out positive vibes they’ll hear us y’all. Send those vibes!!

Some of the band are going to catch Rage Against The Machine ★ tonight in Hamilton…not to enjoy the show mind you, but to actively rage WITH the machine. We’re big fans of the machine. #ratmhamilton

#canadaneedstheconstantines Let’s get this bad boy trending…wanna lend us a hand Laura Jane Grace ? New Cons music please…looking at you Bry Webb!