Whitney Eaddy (@the_growthguru) 's Twitter Profile
Whitney Eaddy


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calendar_today09-10-2020 16:11:27

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Whitney Eaddy (@the_growthguru) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Stop being OK with things that you’re really not okay with. Stop shrinking yourself to fit into spaces that you’ve expanded beyond. Stop tripping over what doesn’t concern you. Focus on your elevation. You deserve the best of you.

Whitney Eaddy (@the_growthguru) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Your gift makes room for you—but know that you must also make room for your gifts to shine through! Allow yourself to clean up & clear out the necessary energy and space to allow you to focus in a way that serves your highest good.

Whitney Eaddy (@the_growthguru) 's Twitter Profile Photo

In order to manifest it, you have to see it before you see it. Hold the vision. Be your own hypeman. Create the space for what you’ve been asking God for. There aren’t any shortcuts. Honor the work. Understand divine timing. Trust the process.

Whitney Eaddy (@the_growthguru) 's Twitter Profile Photo

People ask me how I stay so positive. I’m just focused man. I don’t entertain raggedy vibes. I don’t take things personally. I appreciate every moment in this life. I’m anxious for nothing. I believe in my dreams.. I’m not letting anything throw me off. The last shall be 1st!

Whitney Eaddy (@the_growthguru) 's Twitter Profile Photo

You’ve gotta want to see yourself win! Root for yourself! Your life is your own movie, root for the main character and surround yourself with a solid supporting cast. Play your role authentically by only focusing on things that elevate you.

Whitney Eaddy (@the_growthguru) 's Twitter Profile Photo

They will see and they will know. Be patient while your manifestations line up & play out for you. You were validated the day you were born. Trust the divinity of God’s timing. It’s chess not checkers Sis. Be patient. Appreciate everything. Always show love and move accordingly!

Whitney Eaddy (@the_growthguru) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Everything has a gestation period. The day you plant the seed isn’t the day harvest the fruit. There is so much being worked out for your good right now. Stay focused. Hold the vision. TRUST THE PROCESS.

Whitney Eaddy (@the_growthguru) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I asked my kids to describe my personality. My 16 yr old said “Chill” my 9 yr old said “Laid back, oh & funny”. If you really know me you know. Good vibes only, always & forever. My only job is to let my light shine and everything thing else flows accordingly.

Whitney Eaddy (@the_growthguru) 's Twitter Profile Photo

If it wasn’t possible you wouldn’t have received the vision. Stay focused. Stay your course. Allow yourself permission to be proud of where you stand now, right here in this moment. Set the expectation of everything lining up for your highest good.

Whitney Eaddy (@the_growthguru) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Take moments to just BE every single morning. Breathe deeply and allow all of the energy intended for your highest good to flow to and through you with ease. Honor your highest good and everything else will flow. Choose peace with yourself first and foremost.

Whitney Eaddy (@the_growthguru) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Sis! Stop pulling those little balls off the ends of your natural hair. Please just go get a proper trim ma’am. Thank me later.

Whitney Eaddy (@the_growthguru) 's Twitter Profile Photo

It’s amazing how different the past can look though healed eyes. Allow love to grow in places where the past no longer serves you. Allow yourself the time & space to grow into who you’re becoming. Be easier on yourself.

Whitney Eaddy (@the_growthguru) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Please understand that “turning the other cheek” is a simply power move. Shift your focus. You ain’t got time for all of that anyway.

Whitney Eaddy (@the_growthguru) 's Twitter Profile Photo

SIS! You’re doing a GOOD JOB! Give yourself time and space to grow! You’re always in the process of becoming who you are blossoming into. Water yourself & be easier on yourself.

Whitney Eaddy (@the_growthguru) 's Twitter Profile Photo

It literally just hit me that I started out in my kitchen 7 years ago with no clue that I’d even ever open a salon. NOW I have a Salon/Spa, 7 Brands, 7 departments 9 Trademarks, a Warehouse. THIS is truly the foundation of an EMPIRE! Stay Tuned in..

Whitney Eaddy (@the_growthguru) 's Twitter Profile Photo

“Scared money”, don’t make no money just like scary mindsets don’t make big moves. If you won’t invest in you, why should anyone else? It’s You VS. You before they’ll start believe in you too.

Whitney Eaddy (@the_growthguru) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Your “level-up” is always mental before anything. You’ve got to get your mind right 1st. Line up your energy with everything that your highest self is calling you to.

Whitney Eaddy (@the_growthguru) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Just a reminder- protecting your peace, minding your business & drinking your water are priorities in allowing maximum growth in all areas of your life. You are always on your path. Give yourself the grace, space and time to become who you are becoming!