Ruth Elisa (@the1ruthelisa) 's Twitter Profile
Ruth Elisa


📈CEO, ElisaPlan Financial Coaching
👩🏾‍🏫Financial Educator
🌍World Traveler
💳Certified Credit Expert
🌿Life Coach |🙏🏾Christ Follower|
🦸🏾‍♀️Supermom of 2

ID: 1250939540077977607

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Ruth Elisa (@the1ruthelisa) 's Twitter Profile Photo

If you currently own a business or plan to, hiring your children to work for you can allow the following benefits: 📌 you teach them practical skills 📌 You can get tax benefits 📌 You can help them to start saving at an early age 📌 You'd be helping to break the poverty mindset.

If you currently own a business or plan to, hiring your children to work for you can allow the following benefits: 📌 you teach them practical skills 📌 You can get tax benefits 📌 You can help them to start saving at an early age 📌 You'd be helping to break the poverty mindset.
Ruth Elisa (@the1ruthelisa) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Many people believe that they need quite a lot to be happy. As such, they spend significant amounts of time working to support that lifestyle. As such, they focus mostly on wealth at the expense of health and spirituality.

Many people believe that they need quite a lot to be happy. As such, they spend significant amounts of time working to support that lifestyle. As such, they focus mostly on wealth at the expense of health and spirituality.
Ruth Elisa (@the1ruthelisa) 's Twitter Profile Photo

While it may be true that your signature is quick and easy to do, the potential problems of cosigning for your boo may not only unravel your relationship but hinder your financial life significantly.

While it may be true that your signature is quick and easy to do, the potential problems of cosigning for your boo may not only unravel your relationship but hinder your financial life significantly.
Ruth Elisa (@the1ruthelisa) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The pandemic has magnified how unprepared we are with a crisis: businesses closing down, losing jobs, recession, dealing with sickness or death — this leads to some severe financial turmoil. This is precisely why everyone needs an emergency fund. #ElisaPlan #PersonalFinance

Ruth Elisa (@the1ruthelisa) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A smart business looking for sustainable growth will find ways to serve its existing customers better. Instead of maintaining your focus on acquiring new customers, also be focused on creating new content for people who are already doing business with you. #ElisaPlan #BizTips

A smart business looking for sustainable growth will find ways to serve its existing customers better. Instead of maintaining your focus on acquiring new customers, also be focused on creating new content for people who are already doing business with you.  #ElisaPlan #BizTips
Ruth Elisa (@the1ruthelisa) 's Twitter Profile Photo

According to a report by the Federal Reserve, many black women have difficulty accessing credit and face capital constraints due to lower-income and lower wealth. If this statistic is true, prioritize learning about borrowing basics, managing risks, and financial planning.

Ruth Elisa (@the1ruthelisa) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A Purpose Statement defines what impact the organization wants to have on the world. Many organizations do this already. The power of a purpose statement is, it connects with you at a heart level. Your ideal audience will most likely connect with you through these statements.

A Purpose Statement defines what impact the organization wants to have on the world.  Many organizations do this already. The power of a purpose statement is, it connects with you at a heart level. Your ideal audience will most likely connect with you through these statements.
Ruth Elisa (@the1ruthelisa) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Branding matters if you want to set up your business the right way. It creates a perception that appeals to your target audience. Understand what your brand is about and what it stands for will lead you to better positioning. Have you considered branding for your business?

Branding matters if you want to set up your business the right way. It creates a perception that appeals to your target audience. Understand what your brand is about and what it stands for will lead you to better positioning. 

Have you considered branding for your business?
Ruth Elisa (@the1ruthelisa) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A good leader takes these situations as opportunities for improvement. Choose to empower by solving the problem together. Instead of blaming, it's more beneficial if you work together in coming up with different solutions. It enables them to think and problem-solve like you.

A good leader takes these situations as opportunities for improvement. Choose to empower by solving the problem together. Instead of blaming, it's more beneficial if you work together in coming up with different solutions. It enables them to think and problem-solve like you.
Ruth Elisa (@the1ruthelisa) 's Twitter Profile Photo

3 easy tips that you can do to help keep your books for your business in order: 1. Open a separate bank account for your business. 2. Have a trustworthy budgeting software and connect it to your bank account. 3. Hire an accountant to manage your books when you no longer can.

3 easy tips that you can do to help keep your books for your business in order:

1. Open a separate bank account for your business.
2. Have a trustworthy budgeting software and connect it to your bank account.
3. Hire an accountant to manage your books when you no longer can.
Ruth Elisa (@the1ruthelisa) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Tunnel vision for 2021, no more 2020! If you agree type 👌🏾 #purposedriven #motivationquote #quoted #ElisaPlan #ElisaBizBuilder #servicebasedbusiness #businesslessons #femaleentrepreneurlife #selfemployment #entrepreneurtip #businessmindset101 #lifeskills #achievetheimpossible

Ruth Elisa (@the1ruthelisa) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Rule of thumb is to save 30-35% of your earnings for taxes from each sale you make OR for how much you anticipate to make each month. Having a separate account for it just makes things 10xs easier when it's time to pay quarterly taxes. Are you practicing this already?

Rule of thumb is to save 30-35% of your earnings for taxes from each sale you make OR for how much you anticipate to make each month. Having a separate account for it just makes things 10xs easier when it's time to pay quarterly taxes. 

Are you practicing this already?
Ruth Elisa (@the1ruthelisa) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The more confidence you have in yourself, the more you can start getting sh*t done! Don't count yourself out sis, you deserve to be GREAT! 💁🏾‍♀️💪🏾 Mean what you say and say what you mean! Okay? #ElisaPlan #ElisaBizBuilder #wahmlife #workingmomlife #busymomlife #goalgetter

Ruth Elisa (@the1ruthelisa) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I know, bills have to be paid and needs have to be met, but before you freely give anyone else your hard owned money, make sure you're paying yourself first, you deserve it! Do you pay yourself first whenever you get paid or receive a sale in your business? Let me know!

I know, bills have to be paid and needs have to be met, but before you freely give anyone else your hard owned money, make sure you're paying yourself first, you deserve it!

Do you pay yourself first whenever you get paid or receive a sale in your business? Let me know!
Ruth Elisa (@the1ruthelisa) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Because when you think highly of yourself, you will treat yourself better and you will manifest all good things into your life. No one can do it for you, only you can put in that work for yourself! 💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾 #mentalhealth #manifestation #selfconfidence #ElisaPlan #lifecoach

Ruth Elisa (@the1ruthelisa) 's Twitter Profile Photo

You can have 1 of these things or a combination of all 6, the fact of the matter still stands: YOU NEED TO DO BETTER! I teach my students how to use this same dirt that was thrown at them to lay down the foundation of greatness that I know is deep down inside of them!

You can have 1 of these things or a combination of all 6, the fact of the matter still stands: YOU NEED TO DO BETTER! 

I teach my students how to use this same dirt that was thrown at them to lay down the foundation of greatness that I know is deep down inside of them!
Ruth Elisa (@the1ruthelisa) 's Twitter Profile Photo

NOBODY! They can't stop me, even if they stopped me! 😎 Never forget who you are! #entrepreneurtips #entrepreneurgoals #businesssuccess #ElisaPlan #ElisaBizBuilder #ElisaTribe #supportblackownedbusinesses #blackcreatives #browngirlswhoblog #motivateyourself

NOBODY! They can't stop me, even if they stopped me! 😎

Never forget who you are!

#entrepreneurtips #entrepreneurgoals #businesssuccess #ElisaPlan #ElisaBizBuilder #ElisaTribe #supportblackownedbusinesses #blackcreatives #browngirlswhoblog #motivateyourself
Ruth Elisa (@the1ruthelisa) 's Twitter Profile Photo

You can find software that offers all 4 in 1 or you can select a different software based on your needs & preferences. Keep in mind: These are investments, the paid versions will always offer you SO much more than the free versions. Shop around first before making an decision!

You can find software that offers all 4 in 1 or you can select a different software based on your needs & preferences. Keep in mind: These are investments, the paid versions will always offer you SO much more than the free versions. Shop around first before making an decision!
Ruth Elisa (@the1ruthelisa) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Don't compare yourself to others in any type of way! You have no idea what they're going through or had to go through to get to where they are. Trust yourself and make yourself a better you by digging deep and realizing just who you are.

Don't compare yourself to others in any type of way! You have no idea what they're going through or had to go through to get to where they are. 

Trust yourself and make yourself a better you by digging deep and realizing just who you are.
Ruth Elisa (@the1ruthelisa) 's Twitter Profile Photo

When running a business, it's a MUST to scope out your competition. This is a healthy way to stay on top of your game, think of new creative ways on how you can serve your clients or possibly bring in new clients.

When running a business, it's a MUST to scope out your competition. This is a healthy way to stay on top of your game, think of new creative ways on how you can serve your clients or possibly bring in new clients.