Tezcan Gümüş
PhD | Tweets on #Turkey & #MENA | Winner of APSA 2020 Thesis Prize 🏆 | Author: Turkey’s Political Leaders (@EdinburghUP) | Next life back as a jazz musician 🎶
ID: 855290060094099457
https://www.linkedin.com/in/tezcangumus/ 21-04-2017 05:20:15
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My latest for New Lines Magazine: The outcome of three months of investigation, featuring 12 interviews and multiple data points, this story dissects how #Iran's state-sanctioned culture of bereavement has interfered with the nation's emotional temperature newlinesmag.com/argument/irans…

Turkey’s ancient wine industry was neglected in the 20th century. Now, a small group of winemakers and researchers are building something new by rediscovering the old, writes Murat Oztaskin for New Lines Magazine. newlinesmag.com/spotlight/turk…

I’m utterly disgusted by the analysts & researchers who have built entire careers on Lebanon & the Middle East & who’ve enjoyed the warmth & hospitality of our countries, and yet today can’t seem to see Lebanese & Palestinians & Arabs as equal human beings deserving of respect.