Tegan Fletcher (@teganafletcher) 's Twitter Profile
Tegan Fletcher


ID: 3901662976

calendar_today08-10-2015 17:57:12

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EMSC Innovation & Improvement Center (@emscimprovement) 's Twitter Profile Photo

⏰EMS and ED providers: Time is of the essence when treating kids with multisystem trauma. EMSC has resources to help you navigate these urgent cases: bit.ly/3YKBRT5 #PEAKTrauma

⏰EMS and ED providers: Time is of the essence when treating kids with multisystem trauma. EMSC has resources to help you navigate these urgent cases: bit.ly/3YKBRT5  #PEAKTrauma
Eddy J. Gutierrez, MD (@eddyjoemd) 's Twitter Profile Photo

When providing paralytics for intubation or ARDS management, we often wonder if the patient is awake underneath. 12.3% of patients may recover consciousness with paralytics on board. Let’s try to fix that. 🎩 tip to the authors. eddyjoemd.com/foamed/

When providing paralytics for intubation or ARDS management, we often wonder if the patient is awake underneath. 12.3% of patients may recover consciousness with paralytics on board. Let’s try to fix that. 🎩 tip to the authors. 

EM Ottawa (@emergmedottawa) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Precedex! We know our ICU colleagues find it to be a useful tool, but is there a role in the ED? Are you using it? emottawablog.com/2024/10/is-the…

Precedex! We know our ICU colleagues find it to be a useful tool, but is there a role in the ED? Are you using it? 

Critical Care Reviews (@critcarereviews) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Today's Paper of the Day is on in-hospital cardiac arrest criticalcarereviews.com/latest-evidenc… Join us to read 1 paper per day and stay up-to-date as we cover the spectrum of critical care across 2024

Today's Paper of the Day is on in-hospital cardiac arrest

Join us to read 1 paper per day and stay up-to-date as we cover the spectrum of critical care across 2024
Anton Helman (@emcases) 's Twitter Profile Photo

EM Cases Episode 199: Trauma Airway & Airway Trauma With airway guru George Kovacs & TTL Andrew Petrosoniak So much nuance. So much gold... emergencymedicinecases.com/trauma-airway/ #FOAMed #airway #emergencymedicine #trauma

EM Cases Episode 199: Trauma Airway & Airway Trauma
With airway guru George Kovacs &amp; TTL <a href="/petrosoniak/">Andrew Petrosoniak</a>
So much nuance. So much gold...
#FOAMed #airway #emergencymedicine #trauma
Ornge (@ornge) 's Twitter Profile Photo

ACP, Ian Drennan, will discuss the current state of blood administration in the Ontario pre-hospital setting and the implications of existing and ongoing research. Register: bit.ly/FallGrandRound… #advancedcareparamedic #airambulance

ACP, <a href="/IanR_Drennan/">Ian Drennan</a>, will discuss the current state of blood administration in the Ontario pre-hospital setting and the implications of existing and ongoing research.

Register: bit.ly/FallGrandRound… 

#advancedcareparamedic #airambulance
Ornge (@ornge) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Join Jonathan Lee for an overview of hemorrhagic shock where he will discuss the epidemiology as well as how you can adapt your assessment and treatment to improve both your confidence and the quality of the care you provide for injured children! Register: bit.ly/FallGrandRound…

Join <a href="/ThatJonLee/">Jonathan Lee</a> for an overview of hemorrhagic shock where he will discuss the epidemiology as well as how you can adapt your assessment and treatment to improve both your confidence and the quality of the care you provide for injured children!

Register: bit.ly/FallGrandRound…
Matt Siuba (@msiuba) 's Twitter Profile Photo

New resource! We’d like to announce the launch of our living textbook for hemodynamics, Shockwaves! Edited by Max Hockstein and I with contributions by many great clinicians and educators

New resource!

We’d like to announce the launch of our living textbook for hemodynamics, Shockwaves!

Edited by <a href="/MaxHockstein/">Max Hockstein</a> and I with contributions by many great clinicians and educators
christian wiggin (@wiggs1234) 's Twitter Profile Photo

1000 places 300+ went in first few days! Expert Critical Care Paramedic Speakers from NZ , Aus, Canada, S. Africa, USA and the UK. It’s going to be incredible! Book your place: collegeofparamedics.co.uk/COP/Events/Eve… Australasian College of Paramedicine (ACP) College of Paramedics British Columbia Paramedic Association Hato Hone St John TheResusRoom Ornge

1000 places 300+ went in first few days! Expert Critical Care Paramedic Speakers from NZ , Aus, Canada, S. Africa, USA and the UK. It’s going to be incredible! Book your place: collegeofparamedics.co.uk/COP/Events/Eve…
<a href="/ACParamedicine/">Australasian College of Paramedicine (ACP)</a> <a href="/ParamedicsUK/">College of Paramedics</a> <a href="/BC_Paramedic_A/">British Columbia Paramedic Association</a> <a href="/StJohnNZ/">Hato Hone St John</a> <a href="/TheResusRoom/">TheResusRoom</a> <a href="/Ornge/">Ornge</a>
𝘈𝘯𝘢𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘴𝘪𝘢 (@anaes_journal) 's Twitter Profile Photo

How do you describe the position you put a patient in for intubation? • 'the sniffing position’? • 'win with the chin'? • 'first pint position'? Nicholas Chrimes & Tim Cook propose a new term - 'flextension'. Your thoughts? #AnSky #MedSky #AirwaySky

How do you describe the position you put a patient in for intubation?
• 'the sniffing position’?
• 'win with the chin'?
• 'first pint position'?

<a href="/NicholasChrimes/">Nicholas Chrimes</a> &amp; <a href="/doctimcook/">Tim Cook</a> propose a new term - 'flextension'.

Your thoughts?

#AnSky #MedSky #AirwaySky
Cliff Reid (@cliffreid) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Comprehensive non-technical components of resus embedded throughout the 2 day Resuscitation Wizardry course in London next week. The first course of its kind, ever. Last few tickets left Resuscitation Wizardry: Making Things Happen Two Day Event eventbrite.com/e/resuscitatio…

Comprehensive non-technical components of resus embedded throughout the 2 day Resuscitation Wizardry course in London next week.

The first course of its kind, ever. Last few tickets left 

Resuscitation Wizardry: Making Things Happen Two Day Event

Ornge (@ornge) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Ontario Connecting Northern and Rural Communities to Critical Care Expanded Ornge Air Ambulance fleet and new hangar will better connect patients in rural and remote communities to urgent care. Read the media release or watch the press conference here: ornge.ca/news-articles/…

Ross Prager (@ross_prager) 's Twitter Profile Photo

(1/x) Intubating a critically ill patients is the most dangerous procedure we do in the ICU (3.1% cardiac arrest rate) not because of hypoxia or tube placement, but hemodynamic collapse 🫀 (Russotto et al. JAMA 2021) A 🧵on making high risk hemodynamic intubations as safe as

(1/x) Intubating a critically ill patients is the most dangerous procedure we do in the ICU (3.1% cardiac arrest rate)  not because of hypoxia or tube placement, but hemodynamic collapse 🫀

(Russotto et al. JAMA 2021)

A  🧵on making high risk hemodynamic intubations as safe as
FIRST60 (@first60_resus) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🗣️Calling all Resuscitationists 🗣️ FIRST60 in partnership with Ornge and the Unity Health Toronto Critical Care Pillar invite all to share their work at the inaugural Toronto Resuscitation Conference this June Submit 👇 xcdsystem.com/uht/member Abstracts open till Feb 18th!

🗣️Calling all Resuscitationists 🗣️

<a href="/FIRST60_resus/">FIRST60</a> in partnership with <a href="/Ornge/">Ornge</a> and the <a href="/UnityHealthTO/">Unity Health Toronto</a> Critical Care Pillar invite all to share their work at the inaugural Toronto Resuscitation Conference this June

Submit 👇

Abstracts open till Feb 18th!
Critical Care Reviews (@critcarereviews) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Management of vasoplegic shock CCR Journal Watch criticalcarereviews.com/latest-evidenc… Get the latest critical care literature every weekend via the CCR Newsletter - subscribe at criticalcarereviews.com/newsletters/su…

Management of vasoplegic shock

CCR Journal Watch


Get the latest critical care literature every weekend via the CCR Newsletter - subscribe at criticalcarereviews.com/newsletters/su…