Team Aspire by MG 🟠
Offizieller Account von Team Aspire!
Leader: @qKarol__ @qKacper_ 🇵🇱
Orga: @OfficialMG_2023
ID: 1570302718840868864
15-09-2022 06:45:43
312 Tweet
59 Following

MG now have the 3 musketeers!! Welcome Team Aspire by MG 🟠 to the family! We’ll see what the future holds and we all can’t wait to spend many wins together! Let’s welcome the Team: Karol (C) KacperASPIRE 7 I'm a Devil 👺 @DibaG59 . Nexus Slowzy #MGAspire

Another 2 games tonight👑 First we have: Ryuga 🆚 GA 🏆Cross League ⏳7:30pm CEST LU: Daki von Park 📲 @Goldsoccer28 Brico Fazon C Tier Player Then we have: Aspire 🆚 YUQ 🏆eFuture League ⏳8:30pm CEST LU: KacperASPIRE Karol @DibaG59 7 Scriipzz #MGRyuga #MGAspire

MG vs MG tonight 🫣 Minions 🆚 Team Aspire by MG 🟠 🏆RSX Events ⏳8pm CEST Aspire LU: Scriipzz @DibaG59 7 KacperASPIRE Karol Minions LU: alexnorthey HogggRIIIDDAAHH vDrillz @desttruct ewan #MGMinions #MGAspire

2 game tonight for MG 😎 Team Aspire by MG 🟠 🆚 @team_ventex - eFuture League ⏳8pm CEST 🔗twitch.tv/qkarol_ (Karol’s POV) LU:KacperASPIRE Karol 7 I'm a Devil 👺 Sneili Ryuga 🆚 @pro_vanity - RSX Events ⏳7pm CEST LU: Current unknown 😔 #MGAspire #MGRyuga

💜Matchday💜 Für unser Main Team geht es heute um 20uhr in den zweiten Spieltag der eFuture League gegen den nächsten Brecher nämlich Team Aspire by MG 🟠 auch hier wird uns mal wieder nix geschenkt und wir geben unser bestes um evtl die ersten Punkte einzufahren GLHF #StayPurple💜

Another day, another match. Only one can go to the next round, the other goes home. Who will take the win? 🎙️Casters: BozeMax (ง'̀-'́)ง & LaneX 🔥 📷Observer: alexnorthey 💻Producer: V0IGHT | Lea #ESACUP #ESAFAM

It’s ESA day for Aspire tonight!! Hopefully getting the win can keep us from being eliminated 😩 🏆The ESA Cup | Season 9 Team Aspire by MG 🟠 🆚 #RetirementHome ⏳7:30pm CEST 🔗Twitch.tv/ESA_Cup LU: Karol KacperASPIRE I'm a Devil 👺 7 Sneili #MGAspire

We're moving down to the 3rd round of the lower bracket where we have to say goodbye to either of these two teams. Which team will survive and face @esports_envi next week? 🔥 🎙️Casters: LaneX 🔥 & TBD 👀 📷Observer: BozeMax (ง'̀-'́)ง 💻Producer: V0IGHT | Lea #ESACUP #ESAFAM

Another ESA day for MG!! Team Aspire by MG 🟠 going for it to stay in it till the end 😎 🆚YuQeSport 🏆The ESA Cup | Season 9 ⏳7:30pm CEST 🔗Twitch.TV/ESA_Cup LU: Karol KacperASPIRE Sneili 7 I'm a Devil 👺 #MGAspire

👑Matchday-R6 PS👑 Heute geht es für die Jungs ins Controller Cup & League Honor Finale 🏆 Wir treffen auf das Team Team Aspire by MG 🟠 🫶 Wir drücken den Jungs die Daumen👍 Auf ein spannendes Game 💪