Developing doctors for tomorrow for the Three Counties of Glos, Hereford and Worc. Supporting compassion and integrity in healthcare. Painting credit Jim Hanlon
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http://worcester.ac.uk/about/academic-schools/medical-school 27-08-2021 14:37:33
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Great to host the Running out of Time Running Out of Time University of Worcester bringing local schools , students and communities together to talk about air quality and climate change. @tcms Active Herefordshire & Worcestershire and Bike Worcester . Listen to the podcast 👇 carboncopy.eco/podcasts/root2…

Amazing progress on our new health and sport teaching building. Large skills spaces and sports lab coming on well. Shame the purple isn’t staying !😂😂University of Worcester Uni Worc School of Sport UoW Three Counties School of Nursing of Midwifery @tcms