Tanmay Bharat
MRC-LMB #cryoET #biofilms #S_layers #antibiotics
ID: 781573552122261506
https://www2.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/groups/bharat/ 29-09-2016 19:17:10
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Not every day that experimental evidence towards validating your computational predictions of a microbial cellular metabolic mechanism years earlier finds its way into Nature. Great work by von Kügelgen and colleagues: nature.com/articles/s4158… Nature News & Views: nature.com/articles/d4158…

The microbial tree of life through the planar lens of S-layers. Exciting results from Jonathan Doye and Ed Johnston. Great contrbutions by Vikram Alva and Buse Isbilir

Blush regularization from Dari Kimanius and Sjors Scheres MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology implemented in #RELION makes use of a neural network pre-trained on a diverse set of high-resolution cryo-EM half-maps to improve image alignment during cryo-EM structure determination. nature.com/articles/s4159…

Congratulations to Lalita Ramakrishnan (Ramakrishnan Lab), who has been awarded the 2024 Robert Koch Prize in recognition of her pioneering research into tuberculosis! Read the full news story here: www2.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/lalita-ramakri… #LMBNews

Today in Science Magazine, we report how a bacteria has evolved into a major human pathogen over the last 200 years. Read on, this is going to be an adventurous ride 1/n! science.org/doi/10.1126/sc…

Working with these samples was incredibly challenging but with the expertise of Andriko von Kügelgen from Tanmay Bharat's group we were able to get cryo-clem showing internal membrane bound structures located where the nanohaloarchaeal dye was concentrated.

Today 60 years ago Tony Crowther started at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology! This afternoon, we celebrated this incredible feat. Tony's positivity has been and continues to be a great inspiration, and the fact he still comes to the lab every other week or so is a testimony to its fantastic vibe.

This work was done by Johannes Schwab. He recently made the courageous decision to move back home to Innsbruck without a next job lined up. Medizinische Uni or Universität Innsbruck @[email protected] would be fortunate to have him: he's a fantastic mathematician with a great eye for application! 🤗

Our #RELION5 tomography paper, with Alister Burt and Bogdan Toader is now online at FEBS Open Bio. We remain much impressed with the quality of the publishing process at this journal. febs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/22…

🛠️New Method available An image processing pipeline for electron cryo-tomography in RELION-5 🔓buff.ly/4dRmNHz 🥼Alister Burt Bogdan Toader Tanmay Bharat Sjors Scheres #OpenSoftware #CryoET #StructuralBiology #ElectronTomography #Microscopy