The Black Circle (@tbcglossop) 's Twitter Profile
The Black Circle


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calendar_today19-12-2023 13:27:27

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The Black Circle (@tbcglossop) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Behold! The second event from the inner sanctum of The Black Circle will take place in Manchester at The Peer Hat on March 30. Featuring Wren, A-Sun Amissa, and Warren Schoenbright. ⚫ Tickets are on sale now for £7 (+applicable fees).…

Behold! The second event from the inner sanctum of The Black Circle will take place in Manchester at The Peer Hat on March 30. 

Featuring Wren, A-Sun Amissa, and Warren Schoenbright.

⚫ Tickets are on sale now for £7 (+applicable fees).…