Mandalay Thar
ID: 967414727910375424
http://www.mandalaycity.taxi 24-02-2018 15:03:39
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Come & See Myanmar for your great vacation #Myanmar , Promise that you will find the great pleasure to make this trip. Welcome to Myanmar by #MandalayGuide and #SagaciousMyanmar to make Adventure tours , cultural tours! Ko Soe Soe ( Myanmar Guide Soe Soe ) Sagacious Myanmar Travels & Tours

ABHIJIT MAJUMDER revisits his days in #Bagan as UNESCO 🏛️ #Education #Sciences #Culture 🇺🇳 finally inscribes it on its World Heritage List. One hopes the recognition of Myanmar’s temple city will also ensure its preservation. thehindu.com/life-and-style…

Warmly Welcome to Myanmar #pahtodawgyipagoda #mingunvillage #mandalay #myanmar #myanmartourism #visitmyanmar #myanmartaxi #mandalaytaxi Mandalay Thar #sagaciousmyanmar Sagacious Myanmar Travels & Tours #myanmarguide #mandalayguide Ko Soe Soe ( Myanmar Guide Soe Soe )