Tastakel Organisation
We are a group of Syrian women who believe in the power of thought and dialogue to induce change.
ID: 1589267631500050435
http://www.tastakel.org 06-11-2022 14:45:21
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x.com/LScarpitta_OSC… Lara Scarpitta Hind Kabawat Thurayyabd Maria A Reed Stacey OSCE WPS-HA Compact

Amid the ongoing events affecting Syrian refugees in Lebanon, #TASTAKEL hosted the Syrian political writer Alia Mansour عالية منصور in a dialogue session titled "Insights into Syrian Refugee Issues in Lebanon." The session highlighted the challenges and hopes faced by Syrian refugees.

facebook.com/share/p/ZJQfKC… Regional Platform Nikolas Granger recently spoke with a group of Syrian women leaders hosted by the U.S.-supported and women-led NGO @TASTAKEL Organization.He praised the important role of civil society and delivered a message of support .Hind Kabawat

تحدث نيكولاس غرانجر، مدير منصّة سوريا الإقليمية، مؤخرًا مع مجموعة من القيادات النسائية السورية التي تستضيفها المنظمة غير الحكومية التي تدعمها الولايات المتحدة وتقودها النساء @منظمة تستقل. وأشاد بالدور المهم الذي يلعبه المجتمع المدني facebook.com/share/p/8JX97s… Hind Kabawat Thurayyabd

Strengthening women’s meaningful participation in peacebuilding efforts has been an integral part of our mission. Governing Board Member Hind Kabawat & Founder of Tastakel Organisation, talks about building the capacities of women peacebuilders. #Interpeace30yrs shorturl.at/ZOdeJ