A scientist, a wanderer, and a wonderer. Always looking for stories to tell and places to explore. I fearlessly share my thoughts, opinions, and insights.
ID: 1660536543742681088
22-05-2023 06:43:00
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✨ “The bad economist sees only what the effect of a given policy has been or will be on one particular group; the good economist inquires also what the effect of the policy will be on all groups.” - Henry Hazlitt cc: David Ndii, Captain Class-warfare.
Nation Africa ✨ Stoking controversy for no reason. This bill isn’t needed. Anyone turning 18, whether they’re in school or not, can get IDs. We did it back in high school! Will students be able to choose their preferred polling station while at school? This is the conundrum.
Nelson Havi 🚩It is remarkable how many people believe they can counter an argument by assigning negative intentions to those who hold opposing views or by belittling their character to evade the facts or logical reasoning.
Citizen TV Kenya William Samoei Ruto, PhD, is it appropriate to label citizens who dissent from your policies as 'devils'? Could such accusations reflect more on you than them? Are you projecting something personal? Are you running a government or an exorcism?
Mwango Capital 🤔 What's wrong with civil servants receiving what they paid for? All salaried contributors, in both public & private sector, should get value for what they pay. "The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money." - Margaret Thatcher
David Ndii @pk Gitau Irungu Kang'ata 🚩 So, now SHIF/SHA is mutating from a processor of medical claims to purchaser of services? 🤔 WHY? A scheme for procurement and theft of contributors money!
Cerebral Assassin ANSWER - Zakayo, masquerading as a VENDOR, is LOOTING patients' money. NHIF was playing it's rightful role as PROCESSOR OF MEDICAL CLAIMS. SHIF is doing monkey business called purchaser of services. SHIF should be stripped of any procurement for medicare. x.com/DavidNdii/stat…
David Ndii John Ogola Do you know what I use to cook? “The bad economist sees only what the effect of a given policy has been or will be on one particular group; the good economist inquires also what the effect of the policy will be on all groups.” - Henry Hazlitt
Ahmednasir Abdullahi SC 🙄 Isn’t this proof that JURISPESA is fundamentally flawed, given that the majority (four judges) accepted the money but did not rule in favour of the party offering the bribe? In the alternate, RUTO gave a heftier bribe. Choose your struggle.
Dominic WALUBENGO 🚩 Refrain from pampering grabbers, burnishing their image, and making them feel at ease.