All you wanted to know about trauma surgery but were afraid to ask - Trauma Surgery Course from Consultant Trauma Surgeons
See website for more details
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http://www.londontraumaschool.com 05-06-2018 07:25:08
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Trauma Training session has started! Kate Hancorn on how you can train as a trauma surgeon in the UK.
Delighted to confirm Karim Brohi session on the big bleeding abdomen will be at 18.00 on 23rd November. londontraumaschool.com for details and enrolment
Join us live tomorrow - Karim Brohi on abdominal bleeding. 18.00 on londontraumaschool.com
Less than hour to go to the final main TALONS session of 2021. The awesome Duncan Bew on mass casualty scenarios. Tune in live at 18.00GMT via londontraumaschool.com
Hoping to make an announcement about the next TALONS course in the coming days. It's been a while! But best things come to those that wait. Watch this space.... #october London Trauma System London Trauma School