Tenaya Duncan
PhD candidate looking at artificial refuges to reduce feral cat predation.
Honours: Diet of the dingo in a modified landscape.
Student Ambassador
ID: 1440850111534231576
23-09-2021 01:27:01
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Natasha Tay The Australian Mammal Society Communication Officer talks about functional morphology of prey species at #ausmammsoc24 Murdoch University

Tenaya Duncan talking effect of artificial refuges and disturbance on the small mammals activity on midwest WA 🐀🐁#AusMammSoc24 The Australian Mammal Society

Great talk about chuditch monitoring by Robin Sinclair from Australian Wildlife Conservancy. Love seeing WA representation interstate! #Ausmammsoc24

Congratulations to our student award winners! Adolph Bolliger Award: Mark Le Pla (accepted on his behalf by his partner!) John Seebeck Travel Award: Tenaya Duncan Tenaya Duncan A. G. Lyne Award: Stephanie Stylli #AusMammSoc24

Still catching up from #ausmammsoc24 - great talk by Tenaya Duncan on #artificialrefuges for ground dwelling mammals - and subsequent winner of the Student Talk prize! Congrats! The Australian Mammal Society

It was great to see a strong Western Australian contingent at #AVPC this week! This great Australia-New Zealand conference was hosted by Centre for Invasive Species Solutions