ID: 14233598
calendar_today27-03-2008 08:01:28
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5 hours ago
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12 years ago
Get slim by summer starting TODAY with Raspberry Ketones! brilliance-lv.ru/engagedidying/…
Raspberry Ketone is all the new craze!! Dr. Oz even mentioned it as a break through weight loss supplement. ictgov.isfb.ru/dancebank/17co…
17 years ago
Just testing to see if this works.
Sitting at maggie's desk, not sleeping. Maybe i'll pull an all nighter?
@firefly_stare I hate napping because I end up even more tired :(
Waiting for the sun to rise... Feeling kind of antsy
Ooh, just made Twitter pretty and colourful. Very nice. RISE SUN, RISE!
Made breakfast plans with Val - hope I don't fall asleep on the bus... Greasy homefries, here I come!
My jaw hurts SO MUCH... Stupid dentist :( And I've already taken my maximum of pills... Crap.
On the bus to meet val for breakfast. Slept two hours.
Stuck waiting at bus shelter for val, whose alarm did not go off.
Just woke up from an obscenely long nap.
Feeling stressed. The house is pretty much torn apart to deal with the flood damage.
Cleaning room so insurance people can run moisture test tomorrrow.
Finished cleaning room, on my way for pizza with boyfriend
Yummy pizza! Time to drive around and avoid flooded home :P
Home after hot chocolate at Timmy's. Woot?