Tahir Ahmad
Business Scholar, Loving, Caring, Sensitive and Cool in nature.
#Research and academia
ID: 261737266
06-03-2011 16:02:27
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Thomas Derave is presenting his #CVAMO research titled “Ontology-Driven Low-Code Development of Digital Platforms for Implementing Servitization Business Models” (co-authors: Frederik Gailly, Tiago Princes Sales, Geert Poels) at the Flanders Make Scientific Conference.

Ebenezer is presenting his #CVAMO research titled “Supermarket Sizing and Placement in the Assembly Line Feeding Problem” (co-authors: Veronique Limère, Nico André Schmid) at the Flanders Make Scientific Conference at Antwerp Expo. #ALFP #FlandersMake

. @broosmaenhout is presenting his #CVAMO research titled “A Two-Stage local search heuristic for solving the Steelmaking Continuous Casting (SCC) scheduling problem” (co-author: Pieter De Moerloose) at the Flanders Make Scientific Conference at Antwerp Expo. #FlandersMake #orms

. Arthur Thuy is presenting his #CVAMO research titled “Uncertainty estimation in neural networks: Trustworthy decision-making under distribution shifts” (co-author: Dries Benoit) at the Flanders Make Scientific Conference at Antwerp Expo. #ANN #orms #FlandersMake

At the Flanders Make Scientific Conference in Antwerp Expo, Lukas De Kerpel is presenting his #CVAMO research on “Integrating AI into CAD systems: Manufacturing cost estimation and redesign proposal” (co-author: Dries Benoit). #orms #AI #CAD #FlandersMake

Both Matthias Bogaert and Shimanto are presenting their “Profit-Driven Analytics” research at the Flanders Make Scientific Conference in Antwerp Expo. #orms #DataAnalytics #datascience #FlandersMake