Waste Management Corporation Limited (WAMCO)(@WAMCOmv) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Calling Gdh.Thinadhoo! Our waste collection vehicles are on the move to clear your trash. Waving goodbye to waste & hello to a cleaner island! 👋♻️

Calling Gdh.Thinadhoo! Our waste collection vehicles are on the move to clear your trash. Waving goodbye to waste & hello to a cleaner island! 👋♻️
My Home, My Future(@mymaldiveshome) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We handed over the IWMC sites in K. Maafushi and K. Guraidhoo on April 25, 2024, followed by the sites in V. Felidhoo and V. Thinadhoo on May 5, 2024, to Central Line Pvt. Ltd.


We handed over the IWMC sites in K. Maafushi and K. Guraidhoo on April 25, 2024, followed by the sites in V. Felidhoo and V. Thinadhoo on May 5, 2024, to Central Line Pvt. Ltd. 

Gaafu.mv(@GaafuMv) 's Twitter Profile Photo

ކުރިއަށް އޮތް ދެ ހަފްތާ ތެެރޭގައި ތިނަދޫ އަދި ކުޅުދުއްފުށީގެ ވޭސްޓް ކަލެކްޝަން ފެށޭނެ - ވެމްކޯ

Thinadhoo City Council(@ThinadhooMV) 's Twitter Profile Photo

ތިނަދޫ ސިޓީ ކައުންސިލްގެ ހަތަރުވަނަ ދައުރުގެ 140 ވަނަ ރަސްމީ ބައްދަލުވުން

ތިނަދޫ ސިޓީ ކައުންސިލްގެ ހަތަރުވަނަ ދައުރުގެ 140 ވަނަ ރަސްމީ ބައްދަލުވުން
Adhadhu English(@AdhadhuEnglish) 's Twitter Profile Photo

An investigation by Adhadhu found that the investor is linked to a company that profited off by falsely using Maldives' name, has only done EIAs without any practical work and has been publicly named for failing to pay taxes.english.adhadhu.com/article/53233

Gaafu.mv(@GaafuMv) 's Twitter Profile Photo

ވެމްކޯގެ ތިނަދޫ އޮޕަރޭޝަން ފެށުމަށް ބޭނުންވާ އުޅަނދުތައް އެރަށަށް ފޮނުވައިފި

Vaguthu Online(@VaguthuOnline) 's Twitter Profile Photo

ވެމްކޯގެ ހިދުމަތް ތިނަދޫގައި ފެށުމުގެ އެންމެ ފަހުގެ ތައްޔާރީތަކާ ބެހޭ ގޮތުން މަޝްވަރާކޮށްފި


Huvadhoo(@huvadhoomedia) 's Twitter Profile Photo

ތިނަދޫ ސިޓީ ޓާފް ދަނޑުގައި ބާއްވާ ފުރަތަމަ ފުޓްބޯޅަ މުބާރާތް މުޅި ގދ އަށް ހުޅުވާލައިފި

Ahmed nareesh(@NareeshAhmed) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Gdh vaadhoo health centre in general bloodtest nehedhey mee varah dhera massalaeh. Sample nagaafa hedhun rtl in thinadhoo ah fonuvany result libeyne haveeru.🤣 Ministry of Health

Khulaasaamv(@Khulaasaamv) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Thinadhoo gai WAMCO ge khidhumaiy feshumuge enme fahuge thayyaaree thakaa behey gothun mashvaraa kohfi

asadh(@asadhshaheed) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Dhivehi Archives by Naajih Didi How did a king from Isdhoo dharikolhu end up in Addu? Banished?
We kind of do know how one of them ended up in Thinadhoo and become a national figure later.

Jade(@jaawid) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Addu -X- Files Mohamed Ameen Thimaamenge fonikamaa kiburuverikan dhookolan nukerigen ulhumakee sikundeege unikameh, addu vegen maa bodu molheh vaneetha? Addu viyas thinadhoo viyas emenvess nimidhaanee hama fassgandu dhashah 🤷🏼‍♂️
