laaedrii (@laaedrii271223) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This is #GenocideNotWar Israeli forces continue to devastate Gaza and Lebanon, bombing from air and ground. Israel has used 10 atomic bomb-powered explosives on innocent people, yet the world remains silent. #SavaşDeğilSoykırım

This is #GenocideNotWar

Israeli forces continue to devastate Gaza and Lebanon, bombing from air and ground. Israel has used 10 atomic bomb-powered explosives on innocent people, yet the world remains silent.

BALCI Mustafa (@balcimustafa2) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This is #GenocideNotWar Israeli forces continue to devastate Gaza and Lebanon, bombing from air and ground. Israel has used 10 atomic bomb-powered explosives on innocent people, yet the world remains silent. #SavaşDeğilSoykırım

This is #GenocideNotWar

Israeli forces continue to devastate Gaza and Lebanon, bombing from air and ground. Israel has used 10 atomic bomb-powered explosives on innocent people, yet the world remains silent.

#REZERVALANMAĞDURLARI (@mustafa74423186) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This is #GenocideNotWar Israeli forces continue to devastate Gaza and Lebanon, bombing from air and ground. Israel has used 10 atomic bomb-powered explosives on innocent people, yet the world remains silent. #SavaşDeğilSoykırım

This is #GenocideNotWar

Israeli forces continue to devastate Gaza and Lebanon, bombing from air and ground. Israel has used 10 atomic bomb-powered explosives on innocent people, yet the world remains silent.

Öznur (@oznurdemir38) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Katliamcı İsrail'in bir yılı aşkın süredir devam eden saldırılarında, ▪️Gazze ve Batı Şeria'da 17 bini aşkın çocuk, yaklaşık 12 bin kadın; ▪️Lübnan'da ise 200'ü aşkın çocuk, 640'ı aşkın kadın katledildi. #GenocideNotWar #SavaşDeğilSoykırım

Katliamcı İsrail'in bir yılı aşkın süredir devam eden saldırılarında,
▪️Gazze ve Batı Şeria'da
17 bini aşkın çocuk, yaklaşık 12 bin kadın;
▪️Lübnan'da ise
200'ü aşkın çocuk, 640'ı aşkın kadın katledildi.

BLC. (@blc_1972) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This is #GenocideNotWar Israeli forces continue to devastate Gaza and Lebanon, bombing from air and ground. Israel has used 10 atomic bomb-powered explosives on innocent people, yet the world remains silent. #SavaşDeğilSoykırım

This is #GenocideNotWar

Israeli forces continue to devastate Gaza and Lebanon, bombing from air and ground. Israel has used 10 atomic bomb-powered explosives on innocent people, yet the world remains silent.

MUSTAFA IŞIK 🇹🇷 (@1809zebu) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This is #GenocideNotWar Israeli forces continue to devastate Gaza and Lebanon, bombing from air and ground. Israel has used 10 atomic bomb-powered explosives on innocent people, yet the world remains silent. #SavaşDeğilSoykırım

This is #GenocideNotWar

Israeli forces continue to devastate Gaza and Lebanon, bombing from air and ground. Israel has used 10 atomic bomb-powered explosives on innocent people, yet the world remains silent.

Öznur (@oznurdemir38) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This is #GenocideNotWar Israeli forces continue to devastate Gaza and Lebanon, bombing from air and ground. Israel has used 10 atomic bomb-powered explosives on innocent people, yet the world remains silent. #SavaşDeğilSoykırım

This is #GenocideNotWar

Israeli forces continue to devastate Gaza and Lebanon, bombing from air and ground. Israel has used 10 atomic bomb-powered explosives on innocent people, yet the world remains silent.

Öznur (@oznurdemir38) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Bunun adı #SavaşDeğilSoykırım İşgalci İsrail, Gazze'yi de Lübnan'ı da havadan ve karadan bombalayarak yerle bir etmeye devam ediyor. Terör devleti İsrail, bugüne kadar masum insanların üzerinde 10 atom bombası gücünde patlayıcı kullandı ancak dünya hala sessiz #GenocideNotWar

Bunun adı #SavaşDeğilSoykırım

İşgalci İsrail, Gazze'yi de Lübnan'ı da havadan ve karadan bombalayarak yerle bir etmeye devam ediyor. 
Terör devleti İsrail, bugüne kadar masum insanların üzerinde 10 atom bombası gücünde patlayıcı kullandı ancak dünya hala sessiz
