rahul dixit(@rahuldixit191i1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

'The japa of the divine name puts an end to untimely death and instills sattva in the intellect. When SatGuru imparts the divine name, it becomes a 'Gurumantra', a great mantra.'

Spiritual Awakening
Inspirational Words

'The japa of the divine name puts an end to untimely death and instills sattva in the intellect. When SatGuru imparts the divine name, it becomes a 'Gurumantra', a great mantra.'
Spiritual Awakening 
Inspirational Words
umesh_sherpa(@UmeshcSherpa) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Inspirational Words

🌹Without compassion, the virtue of compassion does not blossom, without compassion, Sattva Guna does not grow and until Sattva Guna does not come into life, one does not get divine happiness and peace. 🌹

Spiritual Awakening

Inspirational Words 

🌹Without compassion, the virtue of compassion does not blossom, without compassion, Sattva Guna does not grow and until Sattva Guna does not come into life, one does not get divine happiness and peace. 🌹

Spiritual Awakening
Sunil | IIT Kharagpur | Meditation Teacher(@asunil2001) 's Twitter Profile Photo

'Sattva Vriddhi Karya Siddhi' which means that the more Sattva/Purity rises in your life, the more easily your tasks get accomplished.

~ Gurudev Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ravi Shankar

Gurudev explained in Telugu in this video that success is guaranteed in life if you maintain ur Sattvic Nature✨

🎈さくら🎈(@__Sattva__) 's Twitter Profile Photo


Hanuman Das(@das_hanuman108) 's Twitter Profile Photo

परं ब्रह्म परात्मा स सचिदानन्दबोधनः ।
निर्गुणो निर्विकारी च रजः सत्त्वतमः परः ॥
He is supreme Brahman, the supreme soul, blissful and the supreme knowledge. He is absolute, without any blemish and is free from all the three gunas viz.: sattva, rajas and tamas.

परं ब्रह्म परात्मा स सचिदानन्दबोधनः । 
निर्गुणो निर्विकारी च रजः सत्त्वतमः परः ॥ 
He is supreme Brahman, the supreme soul, blissful and the supreme knowledge. He is absolute, without any blemish and is free from all the three gunas viz.: sattva, rajas and tamas.
Bhagavad Gita(@GitaBot) 's Twitter Profile Photo

That which seems like poison at first, but tastes like nectar in the end – this is the joy of sattva, born of a mind at peace with itself.

Chaitanya Kalra ਚੈਤਨ੍ਯ਼ ਕਾਲਰਾ चैतन्य कालरा(@ChaitanyaK5059) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Lord Narayana alone is:
1) Vasudev aka Nirgun Parambrahm
2) KAL, the lord of Time, the ultimate destructor of everything aka Rudra (represents tamas guna)
3) pradyumna the preserver one aka vishnu (represents sattva guna)
4) Shakti the creating power represents Rajas guna.

Dr. Ajayita(@DoctorAjayita) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Take a minute to learn these simple mudras to increase your Sattva Guna & attain harmony & peace within...😇

Devotee🍀︎(@ramkrisnahari12) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Vishnu wears Māyā (śakti) formed by various guṇas (Sattva, rajas, etc.) as the Vana-mālā (garland of five special flowers). His yellow silken garment is made of the Vedas, and his sacred thread is the syllable OM.

– Śrimad Bhagawatam (12.11.11)

Vishnu wears Māyā (śakti) formed by various guṇas (Sattva, rajas, etc.) as the Vana-mālā (garland of five special flowers). His yellow silken garment is made of the Vedas, and his sacred thread is the syllable OM.

– Śrimad Bhagawatam (12.11.11)
Jane Tennant(@SattvaPublish) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Your love becomes your very life.
.. Time passes, but what you have achieved goes on deepening.
More & more flowers, more & more songs are born out of it.
~ Osho


Your love becomes your very life.
.. Time passes, but what you have achieved goes on deepening.
More & more flowers, more & more songs are born out of   it.
~ Osho

#InsectThursday #SaveTheBees #FlowersOnFriday #JoyTrain #NatureBeauty #pollinators #nature #HealingJourney