Maldives Ports Limited (@portmv) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Celebrating 38 years of service! We are deeply grateful to our dedicated staff, partners, and stakeholders for their unwavering support. #MaldivesPortsLimited #portmv #MPL #mplhidhumathugai

Celebrating 38 years of service! We are deeply grateful to our dedicated staff, partners, and stakeholders for their unwavering support.

#MaldivesPortsLimited #portmv #MPL #mplhidhumathugai
Maldives Ports Limited (@portmv) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Celebrating 38 years of service! We are deeply grateful to our dedicated staff, partners, and stakeholders for their unwavering support. #MaldivesPortsLimited #portmv #MPL #mplhidhumathugai

Celebrating 38 years of service! We are deeply grateful to our dedicated staff, partners, and stakeholders for their unwavering support.

#MaldivesPortsLimited #portmv #MPL #mplhidhumathugai
azim ahmed (@mayyarey) 's Twitter Profile Photo

CEO Mohamed Wajeeh , along with senior executives, held productive discussions with the management team of Maldives State Shipping today. #MaldivesPortsLimited #MPL #portmv

CEO <a href="/MWajeehIbrahim/">Mohamed Wajeeh</a> , along with senior executives, held productive discussions with the management team of Maldives State Shipping today.

#MaldivesPortsLimited #MPL #portmv
Maldives Ports Limited (@portmv) 's Twitter Profile Photo

CEO Mohamed Wajeeh, along with senior executives, held productive discussions with the management team of Maldives State Shipping today. #MaldivesPortsLimited #MPL #portmv

CEO Mohamed Wajeeh, along with senior executives, held productive discussions with the management team of Maldives State Shipping today.

#MaldivesPortsLimited #MPL #portmv
Maldives Ports Limited (@portmv) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Weekly statistics of our Cargo Operations, Containers Cleared and Perishables Cleared from 16th August 2024 to 22nd August 2024. #MaldivesPortsLimited #MPL #portmv #portmvstats

Weekly statistics of our Cargo Operations, Containers Cleared and Perishables Cleared from 16th August 2024 to 22nd August 2024.

#MPL #portmv #portmvstats
Maldives Ports Limited (@portmv) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Weekly statistics of our Cargo Operations, Containers Cleared and Perishables Cleared from 09th August 2024 to 15th August 2024. #MaldivesPortsLimited #MPL #portmv #portmvstats

Weekly statistics of our Cargo Operations, Containers Cleared and Perishables Cleared from 09th August 2024 to 15th August 2024.

#MPL #portmv #portmvstats
Maldives Ports Limited (@portmv) 's Twitter Profile Photo

ބޯކޮށް ވާރޭ ވެހި މާލޭ ސިޓީގެ ވެސްޓް ޕާކް ސަރަހައްދުަގައި އިއްޔެ ފެންބޮޑުވުމާ ގުޅިގެން، މި ކުންފުނީގެ މުވައްޒަފުން ވަނީ އެ ސަރަހައްދުން ފެން ހިންދުމަށް ހަރަކާތްތެރިވެފައި. #portmv #MaldivesPortsLimited #MPL

Maldives Ports Limited (@portmv) 's Twitter Profile Photo

މާލޭ ވިޔަފާރި ބަނދަރު ސަރަހައްދުގައި މަސައްކަތްކުރާ ލޮރީ ޑްރައިވަރުންނާ ސީ.އީ.އޯ މުޙައްމަދު ވަޖީހް އިބްރާހިމް ވަނީ މިރޭ ބައްދަލުކުރައްވައިފި. #MaldivesPortsLimited #MPL #portmv

މާލޭ ވިޔަފާރި ބަނދަރު ސަރަހައްދުގައި މަސައްކަތްކުރާ ލޮރީ ޑްރައިވަރުންނާ ސީ.އީ.އޯ މުޙައްމަދު ވަޖީހް އިބްރާހިމް ވަނީ މިރޭ ބައްދަލުކުރައްވައިފި.

#MaldivesPortsLimited #MPL #portmv
Maldives Ports Limited (@portmv) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🚨AUCTION NOTICE🚨 We will be holding an auction for the abandoned cargo from 14:00 on August 14th, 2024, to 14:00 on August 15th, 2024. Auction Portal: Viber Community: #MaldivesPortsLimited #MPL #portmv


We will be holding an auction for the abandoned cargo from 14:00 on August 14th, 2024, to 14:00 on August 15th, 2024.

Auction Portal:
Viber Community:

#MaldivesPortsLimited #MPL #portmv
Maldives Ports Limited (@portmv) 's Twitter Profile Photo

މާލޭ ނޯތު ހާބަރ އަދި ޓީ-ޖެޓީގެ ޚިދުމަތް ހޯދާ އޮޑި ދޯނި ފަހަރުގެ ވެރިންނާ ސީ.އީ.އޯ މުޙައްމަދު ވަޖީހް އިބްރާހިމް ބައްދަލުކުރައްވައިފި. #MaldivesPortsLimited #MPL #portmv

މާލޭ ނޯތު ހާބަރ އަދި ޓީ-ޖެޓީގެ ޚިދުމަތް ހޯދާ އޮޑި ދޯނި ފަހަރުގެ ވެރިންނާ ސީ.އީ.އޯ މުޙައްމަދު ވަޖީހް އިބްރާހިމް ބައްދަލުކުރައްވައިފި.

#MaldivesPortsLimited #MPL #portmv
Maldives Ports Limited (@portmv) 's Twitter Profile Photo

އުތުރުގައި ފެށުމަށް ހަމަޖެހިފައިވާ މެރިޓައިމްގެ ޚިދުމަތްތައް ގާއިމު ކުރުމާ ގުޅޭގޮތުން މަޝްވަރާކުރުމަށް ސީ.އީ.އޯ މުޙައްމަދު ވަޖީހް އިބްރާހިމް ވަނީ ހއ.އިހަވަންދޫއަށް ޒިޔާރަތްކުރައްވައި، އެ ރަށުގެ ކައުންސިލްއާއެކު މިއަދު ބައްދަލުވުމެއް ބާއްވައިފައެވެ. #portmv #MaldivesPortsLimited

އުތުރުގައި ފެށުމަށް ހަމަޖެހިފައިވާ މެރިޓައިމްގެ ޚިދުމަތްތައް ގާއިމު ކުރުމާ ގުޅޭގޮތުން މަޝްވަރާކުރުމަށް ސީ.އީ.އޯ މުޙައްމަދު ވަޖީހް އިބްރާހިމް ވަނީ  ހއ.އިހަވަންދޫއަށް ޒިޔާރަތްކުރައްވައި، އެ ރަށުގެ ކައުންސިލްއާއެކު މިއަދު ބައްދަލުވުމެއް ބާއްވައިފައެވެ.

#portmv #MaldivesPortsLimited
azim ahmed (@mayyarey) 's Twitter Profile Photo

އުތުރުގައި އިންޓަރނޭޝަނަލް ބަންކަރިންގ ޚިދުމަތް ފެށުމަށް ބޭނުންވާ ޕައިލެޓް ބޯޓާއި ޓަގް ބޯޓް ވަނީ ކުޅުދުއްފުށި ޕޯޓަށް މިއަދު ގެނެސްފައި. #MaldivesPortsLimited #MPL #portmv Mohamed Wajeeh

އުތުރުގައި އިންޓަރނޭޝަނަލް ބަންކަރިންގ ޚިދުމަތް ފެށުމަށް  ބޭނުންވާ ޕައިލެޓް ބޯޓާއި ޓަގް ބޯޓް ވަނީ ކުޅުދުއްފުށި ޕޯޓަށް މިއަދު ގެނެސްފައި. 

#MaldivesPortsLimited #MPL #portmv 
<a href="/MWajeehIbrahim/">Mohamed Wajeeh</a>
Maldives Ports Limited (@portmv) 's Twitter Profile Photo

އުތުރުގައި އިންޓަރނޭޝަނަލް ބަންކަރިންގ ޚިދުމަތް ފެށުމަށް ބޭނުންވާ ޕައިލެޓް ބޯޓާއި ޓަގް ބޯޓް ވަނީ ކުޅުދުއްފުށި ޕޯޓަށް މިއަދު ގެނެސްފައި. #MaldivesPortsLimited #MPL #portmv

އުތުރުގައި އިންޓަރނޭޝަނަލް ބަންކަރިންގ ޚިދުމަތް ފެށުމަށް  ބޭނުންވާ ޕައިލެޓް ބޯޓާއި ޓަގް ބޯޓް ވަނީ ކުޅުދުއްފުށި ޕޯޓަށް މިއަދު ގެނެސްފައި. 

#MaldivesPortsLimited #MPL #portmv