Isabel Ramirez-Burnett(@IsabelRamirezRD) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Great primer - Dr. Dempsey practices with Dr Afrin, who thanks to elly brosius will be doing a 3 part series in June for Renegade Research clinicians roundtable…

MasterPi(@MastcellMadness) 's Twitter Profile Photo

tern I'm sorry for your loss.

There is the biggest conference on LC and MECFS coming up in may with exactly that goal, I don't know if you have heard of it.

The speaker lineup is fantastic imho and more about the motivation below.…

California Center for Functional Medicine(@CCFMED) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Live today! CCFM's Sunjya Schweig, MD will answer key questions about how to identify in patients and how providers can develop effective strategies to help them. Register now! activtion

Just Another Banned Book(@Mrs_T_Moon) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Did you know the stress can trigger an autoimmune response? Sure can. You can avoid all possible triggers but life throws us all kinds of stress. activationsyndrom

MasterPi(@MastcellMadness) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Ror Preston I'm still not over the fact that someone who wrote this slide came up with 'avoidance of unwanted sexual attention', thought about it, wrote it down, saw it written, showed it to colleagues and published it and didn't immediately die of shame and embarrassment.

MasterPi(@MastcellMadness) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Ror Preston Imagine the level of psychopathy one must have to imagine a plausible scenario where the only way to escape 'unwanted sexual attention' is by pretending to be sick.

That's not how sane people think.

MasterPi(@MastcellMadness) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Joko & Klaas Die Spätfolgen von Covid haben hunderttausende brutal aus dem Leben gerissen und es gibt keine Unterstützung.

Es ist der größte Medizinskandal seit über 100 Jahren und demnächst findet die weltgrößte Konferenz dazu statt.…

MasterPi(@MastcellMadness) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Julia Marie But luckily the numbers predicted for next year will be better.

And I looked into it and they assumed that the excess sickness will revert back to normal levels until end of 2025 in their predictions.

Well, I guess we're up for more surprises then...

MasterPi(@MastcellMadness) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Szyzygy The impatient patient When corrected about an undercomplex tweet focusing only on nutrition, reacting with a personal attack, does say a lot about the attacker and nothing about the other person.

I suggest exploring where this aggression comes from and working on that. We can all be the better person

MasterPi(@MastcellMadness) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Claus Ernst 🌻→ @[email protected] Zur Zeit scheint ein harter Wettbewerb zu herrschen wer die größten logischen Widersinnigkeiten produziert um seltsame Verharmlosungen zu schreiben.

Man könnte fast meinen es läuft gerade die Qualifikation für das Schwurbelverdienstkreuz und den goldenen Aluhut.

MasterPi(@MastcellMadness) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Natasha 🐱🦠 Look at the insane technological progress under pressure with high ressource allocation.

Manhattan project, history of fighter plans or tanks during world wars, development of vaccines when covid was new, etc.

We can if we want to. We just have the brakes on as a society.

MasterPi(@MastcellMadness) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Dr. Sabine Hermisson David Weissflog Prof. Karl Lauterbach Wer beruflich Infektionsprävention als Aufgabe hat, sich dann für die Abschaffung von wirksamen Maßnahmen (Maske) und Durchseuchung einsetzt, muss jetzt natürlich den Schaden davon ignorieren.

Doubling down statt Fehler zuzugeben.…

MasterPi(@MastcellMadness) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Covid Solidarity I think there are several reasons. One study by Iwasaki et al recently pointed to the fact that testosterone might be protective.

We also know that the risk increases with reinfections and that professions with more women are affected the most.

MasterPi(@MastcellMadness) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Deutsches Ärzteblatt Es wurden nur leicht Betroffene rekrutiert, diese haben nach dem einmaligen Training Symptomverschlechterungen gehabt, die typisch für PEM sind, aber angeblich keine PEM waren.

Eine Wirksamkeit des Trainings wurde nicht nachgewiesen.

Ziemlich schwache Studie, die nichts aussagt

MasterPi(@MastcellMadness) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Ingo K. Timo Strotmann Fe. Welcher Arzt hat da was genau gemessen?

Kenne die Werte bei mir nicht, will aber demnächst nochmal eine Diagnostikoffensive angehen.
