Hugh Chancy(@hmchancy) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I’ve enjoyed being at and celebrating GeriMed’s 40th anniversary with friends involved in long-term care pharmacy!

Integra Pharmacy Software(@IntegraRx) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Miss our series on medical-at-home services? Tune in to Susan Rhodus, RPh, SVP of Contracts & Advocacy at GeriMed, for valuable insights into implementing the requirements to help you start and grow your business. 📺

HansDampf(@DerDampfHans) 's Twitter Profile Photo

unBROKEN MMA Yes. He recently won a German fan voting for the best submission of the last years. (his recent Twister submission at )

RedSail Technologies(@RedSailTech) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Attention pharmacists! Looking for a way to improve your medical billing process? RedSail Medical Billing is the answer! Visit Booth #406 at GeriMed 2023 to see how our innovative software streamlines billing, boosts revenue, and can optimize your business for success.

Attention pharmacists! Looking for a way to improve your medical billing process? RedSail Medical Billing is the answer! Visit Booth #406 at GeriMed 2023 to see how our innovative software streamlines billing, boosts revenue, and can optimize your business for success. #GMC23
JBS USA(@JBSFoodsUSA) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Education might not fill your plate today, but it will certainly feed your future. And that’s why, at JBS, we offer free education to our team members and their kids. Because that’s food, too.

Medicine-On-Time(@_MedicineOnTime) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We are excited to celebrate GeriMed's 40th anniversary at the GeriMed Conference in Grapevine, TX next week. Medicine-On-Time will be at booth 413.

We are excited to celebrate GeriMed's 40th anniversary at the GeriMed Conference in Grapevine, TX next week. Medicine-On-Time will be at booth 413. #GMC23