Michelle Nunn(@MichelleNunn) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Today, on , sign the pledge to empower women and girls in the fight against gender-based violence in emergencies. Let's do all we can to make them Safe From the Start. bit.ly/2VYOFBn

Connie K Raper(@conniekraper) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Women and girls fleeing emergencies risk rape, violence and exploitation on the road to safety. Join me with @CAREActionNow and sign the pledge to bit.ly/2FiV84m

CARE (care.org)(@CARE) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Cecile walked for months to escape the Democratic Republic of Congo after being assaulted, impregnated, and widowed. Sign the pledge to make women refugees like Cecile Safe From the Start: bit.ly/2VYOFBn

CARE (care.org)(@CARE) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Lucia, her children, and over 230,000 others in Mozambique, Malawi, and Zimbabwe lost everything to in March. They still desperately need help. Sign the pledge to make them Safe From the Start: bit.ly/2VYOFBn

CARE (care.org)(@CARE) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Like millions of refugee children, Marwa had to quit school to work. Refugee children are five times more likely to miss out on an education. Sign the pledge to make girls like Marwa Safe From the Start: bit.ly/2VYOFBn 

CARE (care.org)(@CARE) 's Twitter Profile Photo

“you have to understand,
no one puts their children in a boat
unless the water is safer than the land.” – poet Warsan Shire

Everyone, no matter where they’re from, deserves a safe place to call home. Read the full poem here: bit.ly/2YfewqH

“you have to understand,
no one puts their children in a boat
unless the water is safer than the land.” – poet Warsan Shire

Everyone, no matter where they’re from, deserves a safe place to call home. Read the full poem here: bit.ly/2YfewqH #FightForRefugees
DTC(@NTYHTG) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Women and girls fleeing emergencies risk rape, violence and exploitation on the road to safety. Join me with @CAREActionNow and sign the pledge to bit.ly/2FiV84m

TONY(@Worldmustbetold) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Women and girls fleeing emergencies risk rape, violence and exploitation on the road to safety. Join me with @CAREActionNow and sign the pledge to bit.ly/2FiV84m

Evgeny Shunko(@eshunko) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Women and girls fleeing emergencies risk rape, violence and exploitation on the road to safety. Join me with @CAREActionNow and sign the pledge to bit.ly/2FiV84m

CARE ECSA Region(@CAREECSARegion) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This work has made Cecile hopeful for what’s to come. “I hope that in the future there is a peaceful life for me, a better life,” she says, “Today, I feel good.” Sign the pledge to make them Safe From the Start at fight.care.org

This work has made Cecile hopeful for what’s to come. “I hope that in the future there is a peaceful life for me, a better life,” she says, “Today, I feel good.”  Sign the pledge to make them Safe From the Start at fight.care.org #FightForRefugees
CARE (care.org)(@CARE) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Génesis is one of the 70.8 million people displaced worldwide. Women fleeing emergencies risk violence and exploitation on the road to safety. Sign the pledge to make them Safe From the Start. bit.ly/2VYOFBn

Génesis is one of the 70.8 million people displaced worldwide. Women fleeing emergencies risk violence and exploitation on the road to safety. Sign the pledge to make them Safe From the Start. bit.ly/2VYOFBn #FightForRefugees #WorldRefugeeDay
Kayan(@kismy1957) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Women and girls fleeing emergencies risk rape, violence and exploitation on the road to safety. Join me with @CAREActionNow and sign the pledge to bit.ly/2FiV84m

CARE ECSA Region(@CAREECSARegion) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This World Refugee Day join us as we share in the lives of a few women whose lives have been drastically changed and are fighting to live every day of their lives. They are homeless yet in their home countries. Join us as we fight.care.org

This World Refugee Day join us as we share in the lives of a few women whose lives have been drastically changed and are fighting to live every day of their lives. They are homeless yet in their home countries.  Join us as we #FightforRefugees fight.care.org
Nichole Cortese(@ncortese9877) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Women and girls fleeing emergencies risk rape, violence and exploitation on the road to safety. Join me with @CAREActionNow and sign the pledge to bit.ly/2FiV84m

CARE ECSA Region(@CAREECSARegion) 's Twitter Profile Photo

CARE, in coordination with other NGOs, government and military personnel, continue to distribute food and shelter supplies. Sign the pledge to make them Safe From the Start at fight.care.org

CARE, in coordination with other NGOs, government and military personnel, continue to distribute food and shelter supplies. Sign the pledge to make them Safe From the Start at fight.care.org #FightForRefugees
CARE (care.org)(@CARE) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Marwa used to work day and night to help support her family. Refugee children are five times more likely to miss out on an education. Sign the pledge to make girls like Marwa Safe From the Start: bit.ly/2VYOFBn

Marwa used to work day and night to help support her family. Refugee children are five times more likely to miss out on an education. Sign the pledge to make girls like Marwa Safe From the Start: bit.ly/2VYOFBn #FightForRefugees #WorldRefugeeDay #WithRefugees