My Info Imarkex (@xekrami) 's Twitter Profile Photo

For #TheTraitorsInOurGov, at the risk of sounding crude ; Remember the Rosenbergs ? #TreasonChargesForTraitors fixes everything that's wrong with America. #PatriotParty

My Info Imarkex (@xekrami) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Rick Wilson No one is panicking here. There will still be #MAGAPatriots here long after #TheTraitorsInOurGov are gone. You can see #PatriotsAndTraitors clearly by their actions and inactions. #PatriotParty

My Info Imarkex (@xekrami) 's Twitter Profile Photo

John Pavlovitz Quite the contrary, soon #TheTraitorsInOurGov will see their demise, Treason leaves a trail to follow. Patriots will follow that trail. At the end of the trail is the demise of the Traitors. Patriots don't fear Traitors, we despise them. #PatriotParty

My Info Imarkex (@xekrami) 's Twitter Profile Photo

All #TheTraitorsInOurGov will get for violation of the Constitutionally mandated boundaries for our Government is #TreasonChargesForTraitors in violation of the Constitutionally mandated boundaries for our Government. #PatriotParty

My Info Imarkex (@xekrami) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The Patriot Hammer One more round of #ElectionFraudTreason may ignite the powder kegs #TheTraitorsInOurGov are sitting on playing with matches. I advise them to not try another round of Election Fraud Treason. #PatriotParty