I'm a #DeidaraBotchi.
Today, 1 February 2024, is when the ' #TheLaughingManIncident ' occurred in the #GhostInTheShellStandAloneComplex #Anime .
#攻殻機動隊StandAloneComplex #攻殻機動隊SAC #攻殻機動隊
#笑い男事件 #笑い男 #TheLaughingMan
#WoolFelt #NeedleFelt
The Incident is happening now at Dubai.
You are the next.
Who's waiting to join the incident?
Hack the TL if you are the one.
The Incident is happening now at Dubai.
You are the next.
The Incident is happening now at Dubai.
You are the next.
The Incident is happening now at Dubai.
You are the next.
The Incident is happening now at Dubai.
You are the next.
Ready to work for the incident Day2 in Dubai.