Fatima Said(@Fatie_Said) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Happy 14th Birthday gsport4girls one of the most incredible platforms for women in sport ! Keep inspiring us all. We are behind you , Big Thank you Kass Naidoo Celine Abrahams for keeping members up to date ♥️🎂

Dept of Human-Centered Design, IIIT Delhi(@hcdiiitd) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Proud moment for IIITD: as per CSRankings (csrankings.org/#/index?chi&in) IIIT-Delhi is ranked: 1st in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) at the National level.
Kudos to everyone working towards it.

Proud moment for IIITD: as per CSRankings (csrankings.org/#/index?chi&in) IIIT-Delhi is ranked: 1st in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) at the National level.
Kudos to everyone working towards it.

#IIITD #proud #hcdiiitd #HCD
ʐ_ɮɛɛ🐝(@S_Zahra21) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Hi Guys,Pls follow
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Rebecca’s Voice Box(@GriitBall) 's Twitter Profile Photo

YNG KLN YungWeezy Mpume Astral Being you are not a 90s kid sir you are 30 Luu like there are real things in this world that many cannot see, there are people who are gifted in this world, whether you believe it or not.

But this??? Idk what that is 😭

ESCMID(@ESCMID) 's Twitter Profile Photo

ESCMID is hosting a webinar titled: COVID-19: An unexpected pandemic challenge to unprepared health care systems. It will take place this Friday, April 10th at 16:00 CEST and be available to everyone! Learn more and get the link to join by visiting here: bit.ly/3aLN8qt

ESCMID is hosting a webinar titled: COVID-19: An unexpected pandemic challenge to unprepared health care systems. It will take place this Friday, April 10th at 16:00 CEST and be available to everyone! Learn more and get the link to join by visiting here: bit.ly/3aLN8qt