PerAsperaAdAstra(@RedWhite86) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Vladislav Круто написала, живо, эмоционально. Но это поведение не политика.

Australian Government(@ausgov) 's Twitter Profile Photo

There’s a conversation going on about the Voice Referendum.

It’s about whether we should change the Constitution to recognise the First Peoples of Australia by setting up an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice.

Andrea Zalone(@AndreaZalone) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Ma Augusta Montaruli che grida vergogna a Nicola Lagioia è la stessa che è stata condannata in via definitiva in Cassazione per peculato? No dai, sarà un omonima…

Agorà(@agorarai) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Con la nostra @annareporter andiamo alla porte di Ravenna, dove si sta pompando l'acqua con delle idrovore. Sono in arrivo aiuti anche dal resto d'Europa, da paesi come Olanda e la Slovenia.

PerAsperaAdAstra(@RedWhite86) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🇨🇦Насрина Путтина🇺🇦🇬🇪 Вот эта хрень прям выдрачивает. Любого человека должно быть жаль, некрасивого - вдвойне. У него хотя бы реальных поводов гораздо больше - он может тупо вообще никому не нравиться.

Matteo Renzi(@matteorenzi) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Cinque anni fa intervenendo in Senato chiesi al Movimento 5 Stelle e alla Lega di non chiudere l’Unità di Missione Italia Sicura. Conte disse vergognosamente di no. Oggi Conte mi attacca, tanto per cambiare. Io mi limito a postare questo intervento di cinque anni fa. Era il 30…

PerAsperaAdAstra(@RedWhite86) 's Twitter Profile Photo

ну Даш, хватит Возникает вопрос, а Ане - то нахуа выгоревший мужчина под 40 с двумя детьми? Чтобы что? Чтобы послушать рассказы про детство в 90е?

Caitlin Johnstone(@caitoz) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Feminism was supposed to mean freeing women from oppression and inequality. Now it means shooting off Palestinian children's feet with sniper rifles.

PerAsperaAdAstra(@RedWhite86) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Вы поняли, да? Повторял миллион раз и ещё раз повторю - если Украина откажется от транзита, Европа побежит умолять Путина о транзите по уцелевшей ветке СП.

Perasperaadastra(@veritas1939) 's Twitter Profile Photo

australiangovernment propaganda. The “Voice Referendum” is not about recognising the “First Peoples”, it is about dividing Australians. We are one people. Why would the government want to divide the nation? What do they stand to gain? That is the question.

President Biden(@POTUS) 's Twitter Profile Photo

My Investing in America agenda has brought good-paying semiconductor manufacturing jobs back to America.

And 60% of them don't require a four-year degree.

My Investing in America agenda has brought good-paying semiconductor manufacturing jobs back to America.
And 60% of them don't require a four-year degree.
🐭🧱#HaStatoTrumpCheHaSbagliatoStrateggiah🧱🇮🇹(@25O319) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Il primo ministro giapponese Fumio Kishida a Hiroshima ha ringraziato gli Stati Uniti tramite Biden per tutto quello che hanno fatto per il Giappone dal 1945.

Il primo ministro giapponese Fumio Kishida a Hiroshima ha ringraziato gli Stati Uniti tramite Biden per tutto quello che hanno fatto per il Giappone dal 1945.