JOANNE(@joannewright61) 's Twitter Profile Photo

OPP Central Region Town of Caledon On a bike if your foot does not touch the ground, it is not a full stop! I have pointed that fact out to a few local riders only to get a finger or rude word in reply. Pack riding on hills so cars can't safely pass. A horse trailer up hill at 20kph is not good. Single file please

JOANNE(@joannewright61) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Steve Byk First out rider had him safely. Second out rider interfeared which could of caused more problems. Hope first riders arm was not injured.

JOANNE(@joannewright61) 's Twitter Profile Photo

CaledonEnterprise After Caledon residents paid taxes to Peel for past 50 yrs or more, while Mississauga and then Brampton built their infrostructure. Now that Caledon needs to build for new housing and population the rest of Peel wants to opt out. Does Caledon get a fair divison of Peel funds?

JOANNE(@joannewright61) 's Twitter Profile Photo

B&S Had a young girl question me about her dog not liking her new boyfriend. I asked how well she knew the guy or his history. I told her trust the dog and dump the guy you can't lie to a dog like you can to another person.

JOANNE(@joannewright61) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Paulick Report The biggest issue is thoroughbreds are started too young. If the racing world would let track training start at 3 or 4 instead of 18 months and racing at 2 they would all have a better chance. Give their muscle skeletal and brains a couple of years to mature first.

JOANNE(@joannewright61) 's Twitter Profile Photo

CaledonEnterprise Waste of money, they already know school zones have slower limit but choose to ignore it. Take their photo and plate # and force them to go to school assembly to appologized to all the school children they regularly put at risk. Then take their licence for aday for every km over.

JOANNE(@joannewright61) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Town of Caledon Most of the roundabouts in Caledon are quite small. Cars come thru quickly. You need extra space for truck and trailer. I think planting low bushes and easy maintained flowers would be better! Then you can see across for traffic.

JOANNE(@joannewright61) 's Twitter Profile Photo

401_da_sarpanch 6ixDripTV The car driver has no idea what that red blinking light on the back of the truck means. Also never pass on the right. The truck driver can't see large blind spot only what he sees in his mirrors.
