Kerouac Project(@Kerouac_Project) 's Twitter Profile Photo

in 1964, contemporaries Ken Kesey, , and 12 other Merry Pranksters boarded the school bus, Furthur, and headed east to New York City. You can read about the trip in Tom Wolfe's The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test, published in 1968.

#OTD in 1964, #JackKerouac contemporaries Ken Kesey, #NealCassady, and 12 other Merry Pranksters boarded the school bus, Furthur, and headed east to New York City. You can read about the trip in Tom Wolfe's The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test, published in 1968. #Kerouac101 #KenKesey
Jack Kerouac(@Jackkerouac33) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Marco D'Amico J'ai compté sur le site de Capfriendly et j'arrive à 12 attaquants qui sont éligibles au ballotage + Slaf.

Il m'en manque un.

@mndamico J'ai compté sur le site de Capfriendly et j'arrive à 12 attaquants qui sont éligibles au ballotage + Slaf. 

Il m'en manque un. #ch #habs
Jack Kerouac(@Jackkerouac33) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Mike Chart ___ Mathias Brunet Kent Johnson (repêché au 5e rang en 2021) a fait 40 points à 19 ans dans la la LNH. J'espère que Mitchkov pourrait faire mieux à 19 ans.

Jack Kerouac(@Jackkerouac33) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Marco D'Amico I hear that the player picked at #5 this year will be better that Slafkovsky and Slaf was in the line-up last year (was it a good idea? I don't know). But maybe the want a player that they will have in the line-up in Oct 2024 and not wait until in Oct 2026.

Kraken Exchange(@krakenfx) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Kraken's multi-tier security approach includes 2FA, encryption, and cold storage to ensure your assets are always safe.

Jack Kerouac(@Jackkerouac33) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Marco D'Amico I don't know. But I read everywhere that it is a great draft this year. So I assumed that the #5 pick will be at least as good as Kent Johnson who had 40 points with an ordinary team at 19 years old. I might be wrong.

Jack Kerouac(@Jackkerouac33) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Jean-Eric Branaa RTBF Marie Vancutsem Pauline Simonet “I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters''

Il avait raison.…

Jack Kerouac(@Jackkerouac33) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Marco D'Amico Having a player that you can bring with the team at 19 years old after one season in NCAA, OHL or even KHL like Kent Johnson in CLB or Lucas Raymond in DET.

Jack Kerouac(@Jackkerouac33) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Marco D'Amico You know what, I am just happy that I do not have to make that decision (if Mitchkov is still available ay #5). Mais je suis plutôt d'accord avec l'analyse de Dany Dubé.
