DJ FMยฎ(@djfm_dot_com) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Wow, the J6 rally isn't even getting coverage on CNN lol, and usually they'll jump at the chance to help Trump's public profile.

Thanks to Roshan Rinaldi and RingwoodRambler it looks we have a Scut Farkus impersonator in the crowd lol

Wow, the J6 rally isn't even getting coverage on CNN lol, and usually they'll jump at the chance to help Trump's public profile.

Thanks to @Roshan_Rinaldi and @gkennedy46 it looks we have a Scut Farkus impersonator in the crowd lol

Tbone ๐ŸŒŠ๐ŸŒŠ(@tlitman) 's Twitter Profile Photo

There were more people at my cousin's Bar Mitzvah then yesterday's ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

Greg Buster(@Gregnus_2023) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The low energy solidifies the proof Trump was responsible for the insurrection. Without false election fraud rhetoric from Trump and mouthpieces Cruz, Gaetz, Greene, Cawthorn and others, this crowd looks more like tourists than terrorists.

The low energy #J6Loserfest solidifies the proof Trump was responsible for the insurrection. Without false election fraud rhetoric from Trump and mouthpieces Cruz, Gaetz, Greene, Cawthorn and others, this crowd looks more like tourists than terrorists.
Sonia mom to Max ๐Ÿ˜ป(@pukipie) 's Twitter Profile Photo

@conchi_gonzalez @conchi_gonzalez ๐Ÿ˜น๐Ÿ˜น๐Ÿ˜น๐Ÿ˜น๐Ÿ˜น thatโ€™s a good one . How many people went? I donโ€™t see enough of the insurrection people in jail.

Birchbark Canoe(@Birchbark_Canoe) 's Twitter Profile Photo

no, Aria- you know it as well sasa anyone- that media coverage is EXACTLY what the ' ' AKA wanted. They were begging for media coverage. Go tell it to a half-wit who will believe you. And they were unnerved more showed up. Beginning to feel lonely.

Avalon777Alex(@Avalon777A) 's Twitter Profile Photo

& mainstram 'journalists' in Clowncity

Lets see if you are able to notice the real job of this dumb thug Clowns!

NO they are not or or undercover Clowns, this are mainstream 'journalists'

MeidasTouch(@MeidasTouch) 's Twitter Profile Photo

BREAKING: Only 200 or so people have showed up for the โ€˜Justice for J6โ€™ domestic terrorist rally near the Capitol, per MSNBC. A total flop!

Jack Mulcahy(@JackMulcahyIII) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Top 10 Things Overheard @

10.Forgot my horns
9. We met at a family reunion
8. When's this thing start?
6. It's not a mask; it's my face!
5. Where TF is everyone?
4. Free Matt Gaetz!
3. Are you a cop?
2. Srsly. Where IS everybody??

1. Lunch?

Ari Fleischer(@AriFleischer) 's Twitter Profile Photo

More people illegally entered America today than the number of protesters at the J6 Capitol rally. The MSM gave the barely attended rally WAY more coverage. Because thatโ€™s how bias works.

Zachary Petrizzo(@ZTPetrizzo) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Justice for J6 organizer Matt Braynardโ€™s security guard - who had only one AirPod - attempts to act as a secret service agent.
