Dr. David Pecotić(@djp1974) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Since pure awareness of nowness is the real buddha,
In openness and contentment I found the Lama in my heart.
By simply relaxing in this uncontrived, open, and natural state,
We obtain the blessing of aimless self-liberation of whatever arises.


Since pure awareness of nowness is the real buddha,
In openness and contentment I found the Lama in my heart.
By simply relaxing in this uncontrived, open, and natural state,
We obtain the blessing of aimless self-liberation of whatever arises.

- #DudjomRinpoche
G✝️erma གཏེར་མ་ grön☸️dröl(@gTerton) 's Twitter Profile Photo

How are these
teachings transmitted?

In the 'Dharmakaya field, the teaching is given directly (dGong,rGyud); it is mind-direct transmission. Whereas in the Sambhogakaya field the trans­mission is through signs

How are #Dzogchen these 
teachings transmitted?
In the 'Dharmakaya field, the teaching is given directly (dGong,rGyud); it is mind-direct transmission. Whereas in the Sambhogakaya field the trans­mission is through signs 

Lama Surya Das(@LamaSuryaDas) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Continuously maintain boundless conduct free of action. Discard 6 collections of consciousness;
leave them as they are, w/o fixation.
Do not hope for result at a later date.
It is in the present itself: reaching unassailable state….

Continuously maintain boundless conduct free of action. Discard 6 collections of consciousness; 
leave them as they are, w/o fixation. 
Do not hope for result at a later date. 
It is in the present itself: reaching unassailable state…. #DudjomRinpoche #LamaSuryaDas #Dzogchen
Lama Surya Das(@LamaSuryaDas) 's Twitter Profile Photo

May we gain conviction in the view,
wherein samsara and nirvana are the same.May we have consummate skill in meditation,a natural flow unaltered, uncontrived.May we bring our action to perfection,a natural, unintended, spontaneity.

May we gain conviction in the view,
wherein samsara and nirvana are the same.May we have consummate skill in meditation,a natural flow unaltered, uncontrived.May we bring our action to perfection,a natural, unintended, spontaneity. #DudjomRinpoche #LamaSuryaDas #Dzogchen