Swaminarayan Gadi (@sgadimaninagar) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Paying tribute to the spiritual essence of Vedratna Acharya Shree Purushottampriya #SwamishreeMaharaj 🙏🏻 #AcharyaSwamishreeMaharaj #PremMurti #Bapa #Swamibapa #ManinagarMandir Lord #Swaminarayan #SwaminarayanGadi #ShreeMuktajeevanSwamibapa #DivineRemembrance #SpiritualLegacy

Paying tribute to the spiritual essence of Vedratna Acharya Shree Purushottampriya #SwamishreeMaharaj 🙏🏻

#AcharyaSwamishreeMaharaj #PremMurti #Bapa #Swamibapa #ManinagarMandir Lord #Swaminarayan #SwaminarayanGadi #ShreeMuktajeevanSwamibapa #DivineRemembrance #SpiritualLegacy
Swaminarayan Gadi (@sgadimaninagar) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Celebrating the enduring legacy of Vedratna Acharya Shree Purushottampriya #SwamishreeMaharaj 🙏🏻 #AcharyaSwamishreeMaharaj #PremMurti #Bapa #Swamibapa #ManinagarMandir Lord #Swaminarayan #SwaminarayanGadi #ShreeMuktajeevanSwamibapa #DivineRemembrance #SpiritualLegacy #GuruGrace

Celebrating the enduring legacy of Vedratna Acharya Shree Purushottampriya #SwamishreeMaharaj 🙏🏻

#AcharyaSwamishreeMaharaj #PremMurti #Bapa #Swamibapa #ManinagarMandir Lord #Swaminarayan #SwaminarayanGadi #ShreeMuktajeevanSwamibapa #DivineRemembrance #SpiritualLegacy #GuruGrace
Adebayo Adewole (@bayoadewole) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Thank God it’s Thursday. Gen.21:1-2 “And the Lord visited Sarah as He had said, and the Lord did for Sarah as He had spoken. For Sarah conceived and bore Abraham a son in his old age, at the set time of which God had spoken to him.”God will come through for you.#DivineRemembrance

Adebayo Adewole (@bayoadewole) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Thank God it’s Wednesday. Deut.8:18 “And you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant which He swore to your fathers, as it is this day.” Let’s live for God to please Him everyday #DivineRemembrance.

Swaminarayan Gadi (@sgadimaninagar) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Paying tribute to the spiritual essence of Vedratna Acharya Shree Purushottampriya #SwamishreeMaharaj 🙏🏻 #AcharyaSwamishreeMaharaj #PremMurti #Bapa #Swamibapa #ManinagarMandir Lord #Swaminarayan #SwaminarayanGadi #ShreeMuktajeevanSwamibapa #DivineRemembrance #SpiritualLegacy

Paying tribute to the spiritual essence of Vedratna Acharya Shree Purushottampriya #SwamishreeMaharaj 🙏🏻

#AcharyaSwamishreeMaharaj #PremMurti #Bapa #Swamibapa #ManinagarMandir Lord #Swaminarayan #SwaminarayanGadi #ShreeMuktajeevanSwamibapa #DivineRemembrance #SpiritualLegacy
Adebayo Adewole (@bayoadewole) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Thank God it’s Sunday. Lev.26:42 “then I will remember My covenant with Jacob, and My covenant with Isaac and My covenant with Abraham I will remember; I will remember the land.” God will never forget you and your family. You will be remembered IJN. #DivineRemembrance.

Swaminarayan Gadi (@sgadimaninagar) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Celebrating the enduring legacy of Vedratna Acharya Shree Purushottampriya #SwamishreeMaharaj 🙏🏻 #AcharyaSwamishreeMaharaj #PremMurti #Bapa #Swamibapa #ManinagarMandir Lord #Swaminarayan #SwaminarayanGadi #ShreeMuktajeevanSwamibapa #DivineRemembrance #SpiritualLegacy #GuruGrace

Celebrating the enduring legacy of Vedratna Acharya Shree Purushottampriya #SwamishreeMaharaj 🙏🏻

#AcharyaSwamishreeMaharaj #PremMurti #Bapa #Swamibapa #ManinagarMandir Lord #Swaminarayan #SwaminarayanGadi #ShreeMuktajeevanSwamibapa #DivineRemembrance #SpiritualLegacy #GuruGrace
Adebayo Adewole (@bayoadewole) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Thank God it’s Saturday. Isa.49:15-16 “Can a woman forget her nursing child. And not have compassion on the son of her womb? Surely they may forget,Yet I will not forget you. See,I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands;Your walls are continually before Me.#DivineRemembrance

Adebayo Adewole (@bayoadewole) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Thank God it’s Wednesday. Deut.8:18 “And you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant which He swore to your fathers, as it is this day.” For God will never forget you and your family.#DivineRemembrance.

Adebayo Adewole (@bayoadewole) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Thank God it’s Tuesday. Gen.30:22 “Then God remembered Rachel, and God listened to her and opened her womb. And she conceived and bore a son, and said, “God has taken away my reproach.” The Almighty God will roll away your reproach IJN. #DivineRemembrance.

Adebayo Adewole (@bayoadewole) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Thank God it’s Monday. Ps.102:12-13 “But You, O Lord, shall endure forever, And the remembrance of Your name to all generations. You will arise and have mercy on Zion; For the time to favor her, Yes, the set time, has come.” Happy New Week. #DivineRemembrance.

Adebayo Adewole (@bayoadewole) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Thank God it’s Sunday. Ecc.12:1 “Remember now your Creator in the days of your youth, Before the difficult days come, And the years draw near when you say, “I have no pleasure in them” God will not forget you so we must put God in our remembrance always. #DivineRemembrance.

Adebayo Adewole (@bayoadewole) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Thank God it’s Saturday. Mal.3:16 “Then those who feared the Lord spoke to one another, And the Lord listened and heard them; So a book of remembrance was written before Him For those who fear the Lord And who meditate on His name. Cultivate the fear of God. #DivineRemembrance

Adebayo Adewole (@bayoadewole) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Thank God it’s Friday. Gen.30:22 “Then God remembered Rachel and answered her pleading and made it possible for her to have children.” I pray for you and your family that God will remember you all and do His word in your lives IJN. Happy Friday. #DivineRemembrance.

Prophet Daniel Agyarko Afari (@danagyarkoafari) 's Twitter Profile Photo

May you have everything it takes to pay the price for the glory that Jesus Christ has designed for you. #PropheticDeclaration #DivineRemembrance

May you have everything it takes to pay the price for the glory that Jesus Christ has designed for you.
